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Key Objective: 33. Sustainability Public Engagement

Enhance UI engagement activities in arena of sustainability, like CCNet, SEDAC, and collaborations with corporations.

Associated Metric

No metric specified for this objective


"The iCAP provides an opportunity to engage the outside community in a dialogue on the University’s role in helping to resolve community climate responses. For example, the Smart Energy Design Assistance Center (SEDAC) is designed to provide assistance to public and private interests in reducing and conserving their operational energy use in buildings. This type of information is an important step in developing meaningful solutions to climate change."


Project History

  • 1/11/2023

    Madhu Khanna, Jennifer Fraterrigo, Meredith Moore, and Morgan White met with Christoph Kecht and his team from the University of Vienna, which was the first climate neutral university in Austria.  We shared information about our UIUC iCAP programs

  • 9/11/2022

    Lucy Nifong, with the Student Sustainability Committee, shared the attached slides with campus sustainability staff, for an upcoming sustainability leadership workshop at UIUC.