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Certified Green Event Program

The Certified Green Events Program was launched as of November 2020!  This program is run by iSEE and aims to encourage all entities at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign to commit to more environmentally conscious choices when planning events.

Event organizers can certify their events - even if they are held remotely - by completing any five elective actions among the following categories: transportation, energy use reduction, waste reduction, food and dining, or innovative options.

Certified Green Chapter Program

Welcome to the Certified Green Chapter Program at the University of Illinois! The CGCP is a newly-launched program of the Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment, the University of Illinois center for sustainability-focused research, academic, and campus sustainability improvement. We are very excited to be working with Greek Chapters to increase the sustainability of Greek houses around our campus!

ECIP Championship Challenge

Facilities and Services interns proposed an initiative that could help increase awareness of the program ECIP and the iCAP commitment to reduce energy consumption of buildings and create a more sustainable campus. Through the new ECIP Championship Challenge leaders in buildings would:

Off-campus Solar Farm 3.0 PPA

To reach our 2015 iCAP objective of 140,000 MWh per year of clean energy usage, we will need to increase our off-campus procurement of clean energy by 90,000 MWh/year.  One proposed solution is to enter into a power purchase agreement (PPA) with an off-campus solar developer.  This potential project is often called "Solar Farm 3.0" and discussions are ongoing about the costs and benefits of this proposal.

Internal price on carbon

The 2015 iCAP, chapter 9, objective 4 is, "By the end of FY16, evaluate the feasibility of internally putting a price on carbon emissions." A detailed study by campus experts, drawing on expertise of corporate partners and other universities, could be conducted to determine what implementation would make the most sense for our campus. 



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