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Archived web info - CSE Prairie Project

Posted by Morgan White on June 4, 2014

Courses and Syllabi

Participants in the Prairie Project were inspired to include sustainability in their courses.  Below you will find revised syllabi and some example assignments with clear linkages to the Sustainability Learning Outcomes.  In addition, there are resources from other universities that offer similar curriculum workshops and national organizations.  We encourage you to integrate sustainability into your course.

BADM 532 Sustainable Product and Market Development for Subsistence Marketplaces

BADM 533 Sustainable Product Design and Business Plan Development


Example Syllabi for Sustainability-Infused Courses:

Courses of the 2010 Prairie Project Resource People and Participants

NRES 285: Wetland Delineation and Classification (PDF)


Conservation and Ecosystem Health (PDF)

Ecotoxicology of the Northern Hemisphere (PDF)

IB 105: Environmental Biology Fall 2010(PDF) 
IB 105: Environmental Biology Spring 2010 (PDF)

Political Science - Learning Outcomes - Introduction to International Relations (PDF)
Political Science 280 Fall 2010 (PDF)
Political Science 280 Fall 2009 (PDF)

LAS 101 Fall 2010: Environmental Sustainability & World Citizenship (PDF)
LAS 101: Homework 5 on ecological footprinting and environmental sustainability (PDF)

CEE 498: Multilateral Environmental Agreements Fall 2010 (PDF)
CEE 498: Multilateral Environmental Agreements (PDF)

CEE 535: Environmental Systems Analysis II Sustainable & Resilient Environmental & Water Resource Systems (PDF)
CEE 535: Spring 2011 Upper Embarras Project Terms (PDF)

UP 204, Chicago: Planning and Urban Life, Spring 2011 (PDF)
UP 204, Chicago: Planning and Urban Life: Course Description (PDF)
UP 204, Chicago: Planning and Urban Life: Overview (PDF)


External Examples:

Association for the Advanceemnt of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) examples of courses on campus sustainability (PDF)

AASHE course inventories*

AASHE list of Web sites with example syllabi*

Ponderosa Project Web site, containing course syllabi and other resources

Piedmont Project syllabi and course modules

* These sites require a members-only login to the AASHE site. The University of Illinois is an institutional member and you can create an account for free with a (and hopefully e-mail address.