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The Bike Project of Urbana-Champaign, in partnership with the U of I Campus Bike Center, is hosting a Kids’ Bike Giveaway this holiday season!

Posted by Sinead Soltis on December 7, 2020

The Bike Project is currently accepting donations of all kids’ and teen bikes, regardless of condition, and then refurbishing them to give back to young folks in the community!


Donations can be made at the Urbana Bike Project (202 S. Broadway Ave., Urbana) or at the Campus Bike Center (51 E. Gregory Dr., Champaign).


Please call (217) 469-5126 or email to arrange a donation.


Kids' Bike Giveaway Event:

Date: Saturday, December 19th, 2020
Time: 1 pm – 3pm or until we run out of bikes
Location: Urbana Bike Project (202 S. Broadway Ave., Urbana)

Details: first come, first served; one bike per kid, and they must be present to pick out their bike.


All health and safety guidelines will be followed.