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SSC Transportation Working Group

Posted by Morgan White on October 9, 2014

Hi all,

Thanks for signing up to join the SSC’s transportation working group! We are excited to get this semester started with you all and to talk about our upcoming transportation projects. We have our first proposal submitted, which we’ll be going over and any others we have at the time. The first proposal is attached in this email. Also, we’ll be talking about how the SSC functions and why your involvement is important for this process! It is really key for you come and voice your opinion on these projects because we want student input strongly represented on all our projects.

Our first meeting will be next Wednesday, October 15, at 5pm in the Illini Union Room 403 and will last an hour at most.

In addition, if you have any projects in mind and would like to ask questions then this first meeting is perfect for that as well! Step 1 proposals are due Friday, October 19th.

Thanks and let me know if you have any questions,


P.S. If you would like me to remove you from the mailing list then please let me know.


Grace Kyung, MPH

Sustainable Transportation Intern

Associated Project(s)