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Use The Bin Pledge Temporary Tattoo Order

Posted by Kejsi Ago on October 27, 2021

Order information for Use The Bin Pledge:

  • Website:
  • Dimensions: 2.0 x 2.0 inches
  • Quantity: 1000 (as per the original conversation)
  • White Option: Either "Flood White" or "Spot White"
    • To my understanding, "Flood White" would have a white square as the temporary tattoo. If we did "Spot White", I believe it would just be the text and the bin, with the white only being in the recycling logo and bottles.
  • Request "Digital Proof Required"
    • No additional price associated with this. But it would delay the shipment by 1-2 days.
  • Unit Cost: $0.15/tattoo
  • Total Cost: $149.75
  • Shipping: First Class USPS (Free)
  • Design: I've attached the digital rendering of the design to this email again!