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Weekly Update

Posted by Lily Wilcock on May 31, 2016

Hello all, last week was good.  We had a lot of people in and we had some good times.  We sold 7 bikes for $940, 2 build-a-bikes for $110, 5 student memberships, 4 community memberships, and grossed $2119.50.  We have intergrated the new database to the point that we are giving out cards with memberships, and have made some extra cash finding people who didn't realize their membership expired.  I worked on some advocacy items.  The Center was flooded with donations from Baker's Bikes.  We got 2 truck loads of good stuff.  Some was taken to the Urbana shop some to Campus.

This coming week is extra short since I am taking off Friday.  I will just be trying to keep my head above water.  There will be LTN work, sorting and preparing bikes for shipment as well as organizing the pickup.  I will also be working on getting classes going and advertised as well as building bikes to replenish our stock.

From the Campus Outpost,
James Roedl