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Weekly Update

Posted by Lily Wilcock on July 5, 2016

Hello all, this past week was good.  A little slower, but good.  I suspect the summer course modules has something to do with it.  We sold 2 bikes for $330We were able to get do a really thorough cleaning of the shop both for our own good, but also for a visit from Brian and Lowa some folks from Student Affairs(right Lily?).  I spoke to a group who may be putting in a repair station for the new art and design building.  I built some bikes and got some cabinets from surplus.  We were able to further organize the shop using these cabinets.  Each seat post size has its own drawer.

This week I will be building bikes, working on reports, and setting up the transition to my leaving CBC.

From the Campus Outpost,
James Roedl