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Weekly Update

Posted by Lily Wilcock on December 18, 2017

All, last week was slow and I did not need the assistance of the student staff. Thankfully, a couple of them were flexible enough to agree to an on-call situation if I needed them. That was a great help to know they were available if needed.

Volunteer presence last week was surprisingly high. On Thursday we had five people in, all to volunteer. Accordingly, a lot of much-needed organizing and deep cleaning happened. For example: all used tubes have been accounted for: good ones sorted and marked, bad ones in their own pile.

On Tuesday of last week I closed the shop for CPR-certification class. This week I will set up my other certification class for BBP.

Last Monday I called in a service order as two of the three heater fans wouldn’t turn on. Thankfully, it has been warm enough and the one still operational fan has been putting out enough heat to keep it comfortable in here.

I’ll be working today and tomorrow and then back at it January 2nd, 2018. (Weird to type!) Hope everyone has a lovely holiday and a happy new year!

Visitors: 28

Sales: $141.80
Memberships: 2 for $60
Misc. small parts: 26 for $26


  • Jake Benjamin
    Campus Bike Center Manager