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Weekly Update: Bicycle Donations

Posted by Sarthak Prasad on June 6, 2022

All, We were closed Monday for Memorial Day and so were only open W/F last week.

Thanks to the generosity of a local bike shop, we were absolutely inundated with donations—something to the tune of 15-20 bikes. Then two community folks dropped off even more donations. Needless to say, I’ll be processing these all week.

I dropped off flyers with WRC last week, too, in the hopes of expanding our reach to folks that haven’t already come into CBC.

The numbers:

Visitors: 15
Sales: $557.95
Bikes (refurb): 1 for $180
Build-a-bike: 1 for $30

Memberships: 4 for $120
Tires/tubes (new/used): 12 for $76


Jacob Benjamin
Campus Bike Center Coordinator