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Projects Updates for Bicycle Safety Classes

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  • This form will search for words in the title OR the description. If you would like to search for the same term(s) across both the title and description, enter the same search term(s) in both fields.
  • This form will search for any of the words you enter in a field, not the exact phrase you enter. If you would like to search for an exact phrase, put double quotes (") around the phrase. For example, if you search for Bike Path you will get results containing either the word Bike OR the word Path, but if you search for "Bike Path" you will get results containing the exact phrase Bike Path.
  1. Bike Class Form requests in FY23

    In FY23, we have received several bike class requests through the Bike Class Form on the Bike at Illinois website: We will organize classes in FY24 based on this data:

    Bike Class Form requests in FY23
    Bike class number of requests
    Learn How to Ride 8
    Youth Cycling Instructor 2
    Smart Cycling 7
    Traffic Skills 101 5
    League Cycling Instructor 1
    Bike Commuting: Lunch and Learn 5
    Winter Bicycling: Lunch and Learn 2
    Campus Bicycle Resource Tour 1


  2. Traffic Skills 101 course

    Associated Project(s): 

    The second idea we wanted to pursue was putting on the TS 101 courses.  The normal cost that Cynthia charges is $65 per person.  We thought we could contract with CCB $400 or $500 to do a full day lunch provided TS101 training for 10-15 people.  It would be offered to students and staff who wanted to learn more about safety and promised to be a safety advocate.  This would save money over the total cost of training and allow a larger group of folks receive serious safety training. - James Roedl

  3. Bicycle Class Request Form Created

    In order to gauge demand in existing and new classes, we have created a Bicycle Class Request Form so that students, employees and community members can request new opportunities to learn more about bicycles. The form link appears when an existing bicycle class registration is already full, so that we can estimate how many additional people tried to register for classes that have reached maximum capacity.  The form can also be used to suggest new bicycle safety or mechanics classes.