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Projects Updates for Formal Sustainability Procedures

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  1. archived info - previous project description

    Associated Project(s): 

    To help the University of Illinois become a model of sustainability both in the community and for the world to emulate, the Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment (iSEE) has developed a tiered system for campus sustainability procedures. In June 2014, Chancellor Phyllis Wise approved the Procedure for Formulating and Evaluating Campus Sustainability Policies & Initiatives, offering a big-picture process for updating and evaluating the iCAP — and explaining the roles of the Sustainability Council, the iCAP Working Group (iWG), and the Sustainability Working Advisory Teams (SWATeams).

  2. Updated procedures approved by Chancellor Jones

    Associated Project(s): 

    An updated procedures document for the Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP) was approved October 7, 2020 by Chancellor Jones.

    This document describes Sustainability Working Advisory Teams (SWATeams), the iCAP Working Group, the Sustainability Council - including a new subcommittee of the Council, and the role and responsibilities of Campus Units.

  3. iWG Meeting Notes from Jan. 27, 2017

    The iCAP Working Group met and discussed the following agenda items.  Meeting notes are attached.

    1. Brief iCAP Portal overview by Morgan
    2. Discuss any updates to Water002, Cooling Tower Increase COC
    3. Discuss Trans008, Bike Parking in Ramps
    4. Discuss updates to Econs004, Green Labs Coordinator
    5. Consider issues with recommendation process and view recommendation tracker

    Attached Files: 
  4. Procedure for Formulating & Evaluating Campus Sustainability Policies & Initiatives

    Associated Project(s): 

    The "Procedure for Formulating & Evaluating Campus Sustainability Policies & Initiatives," developed by the Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment (iSEE), was officially approved by Chancellor Wise on June 4, 2014.

    This document describes the purpose, structure, and tasks of Sustainability Working Advisory Teams (SWATeams), the iCAP Working Group, and the Sustainability Council.

    Attached Files: