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Projects Updates for Lighting Conservation Projects

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  1. Lighting Retrofits are important - article in Popular Science

    “Incandescent bulbs use more energy and produce more heat due to their engineering designs,” says Paul Foote, energy efficiency and conservation specialist at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It’s important to shift to more energy-efficient alternatives to reduce the environmental impacts of incandescent bulbs from the utilization of fossil fuels for electricity, he added.

    By mandating a minimum light output or lumens per watt, manufacturers make sure all bulbs can effectively light up a room, which ensures that consumers will avoid overusing energy with substandard bulbs to get the same level of brightness, says Foote. “When upgrading from incandescent bulbs to LEDs, we have noticed a 60 percent decrease in energy consumption on average, and therefore energy cost avoidance has reduced our utility bill by similar amounts for lighting,” he adds.

    <--break->Popular Science interviewed Paul Foote at F&S as part of their article about the importance of lighting retrofits. the full article is available online at 




  2. archived info - previous project description

    Associated Project(s): 

    The campus is in the process of retrofitting older T12 fluorescent lighting fixtures by replacing them with more energy-efficient T8 (or T5) fixtures and electronic ballasts. The lighting retrofit proposed in the SAIC report would reduce campus energy consumption by ~1.6 percent; a very small amount of this is due to the use of occupancy sensors and day lighting controls. Extending this retrofit to smaller campus buildings, replacing other lighting fixtures (besides T-12s), and a wide deployment of both occupancy and daylight sensors (which can reduce lighting use by 20 percent to 80 percent depending on location) should be able to provide significantly more energy savings than predicted in the SAIC report. The campus target for energy savings from lighting is 2 percent.

  3. Lighting Update - as requested by PWR015

    Associated Project(s): 

    The attached file was prepared in response to the PWR015 recommendation. Additional information about lighting update projects is available in the iCAP Portal under Lighting Conservation Projects and sub-projects.  The current University Facilities Standards require the use of energy efficient lighting (see 

    Attached Files: 
  4. PWR015 Lightbulb Replacement - Successful

    Dr. Mohamed Attalla, Executive Director at F&S, responded to Dr. Ximing Cai, iWG Chair, on August 22, 2019 stating, "We will prepare the report as requested."

    See the transmittal of PWR015 Lightbulb Replacement Recommendation.

    See SWATeam Recommendation PWR015 Lightbulb Replacement here. 

    For future updates on this project see Lighting Conservation Projects.

  5. Lighting Retrofit Gains Further Funding, Smart Grid Under Discussion

    Associated Project(s): 

    The lighting retrofit project continues with funding from the Revolving Loan Fund, and is waiting for a grant anticipation account from OSPRA. The funding commitment from the RLF involves working with Energy Services, OBFS, and the RLF committee.

    F&S met with key faculty to discuss collaboration opportunities related to implementing a smart grid on campus.  Additionally, the Director of Energy Services at F&S worked with the F&S Sustainability Coordinator and the Executive Director to explain the current status of the campus energy system, including data sources, control systems, financial considerations, and forecasting.  F&S will continue to document the status quo and the visionary smart grid concept, dubbed the Energy Management and Control Center (EMC^2).