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Projects Updates for Curriculum

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  1. Energy and Sustainability project presentations

    Energy and sustainability engineering poster sessions

    Join us for poster sessions on Monday, April 30, and Wednesday, May 2, from 3-4 p.m. in Transportation Building room 114, during the course ENG 571 – Theory of Energy and Sustainability Engineering. View posters and speak with graduate student authors concerning their term project findings in many topics associated with energy and sustainability issues.

    Amy McCullough . College of Engineering - Administration

  2. Sustainability Fashion Show

    School of Art + Design 2018 Re-Fashioned Fashion Show

    The 12th annual Illinois fashion show will be presented on Saturday, May 5, from 7 to 7:30 p.m. in the lobby of Temple Hoyne Buell Hall, 611 Lorado Taft Drive, Champaign, IL. Students from ArtS 299 Fashion Design will be presenting their one-of-a-kind ensembles. Wearable works of art walk the runway, combining sustainability and creativity.

    Audra Weinstein . Art and Design, School of

  3. Guest Lecturers, staff and student teams work together

    Associated Project(s): 

    Staff gave a guest lecturer presentation to the Urban Planning / Civil Engineering UP430 class, regarding active transportation programs; met with a student team from Professor Rockett’s renewable energy course to discuss rooftop solar opportunities on campus; and gave a guest lecturer presentation to an Architecture class about the iCAP and sustainability initiatives on campus.

  4. Students and Faculty Work Together on Education in Sustainability

    Associated Project(s): 

    F&S worked with the College of Business’ Director of Information Management to provide detailed solar data from the Business Instructional Facility to a graduate student in ECE.

    A team of MBA students in Madhu Viswanathan’s course worked with the Campus Bike Project to make recommendations about how the Campus Bike Project could become financially self-supporting.

    Scholarship of Sustainability 10-part series began.

    The Engineering 315, Learning in the Community UI Bikes (UIB) section submitted their project proposal for what the class will be working on this semester.  The UIB class has divided into three groups which will tackle three different bicycle-related projects this semester: 1.) the continuation of the bike sharing market analysis started last semester, including a campus-wide survey and several targeted focus groups; 2) the development of an online, interactive campus bicycle parking map using Google Maps; and 3) testing out various marketing tactics to encourage bike riders to park their bikes legally at designated bike parking, rather than on trees, signs, ramps, or fences.