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Post Landfill Action Network (PLAN) (Cancelled)


The Post-Landfill Action Network (PLAN) cultivates, educates, and inspires the student-led zero waste movement, informing students about the waste crisis and equipping them with the necessary skills and resources to implement solutions to waste in their campus communities.

PLAN was founded in 2013 by a group of college students. These students witnessed a systemic waste problem on their campus and developed the first student-led, financially self-sustaining, zero waste move-out program of its kind. Other campuses wanted to replicate the program and from there, PLAN was born.

Accessing PLAN membership:

  1. Visit
  2. Register using your email
  3. Confirm account in your inbox (make sure to check your “Spam” folder!)
  4. Log in and browse your newly available content!

Resources you can use as a member include:

Learn more about our campus’s PLAN membership and how you can get involved >>>

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Project Team

  • Prior Contacts:

    • Meredith Moore
    • Syd Trimble
