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Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) (Ongoing)

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The Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) was established in 2011 as a financing source for utility conservation projects requested by departments with a less than 10-year payback period. The savings from steam, electricity, and chilled or potable water costs are paid back annually, based on initially...View full description »


As of FY22, the emission factors for the following forms of energy used on campus are as follows:

  • Electricity: 0.587 kg CO2 / kWh
  • Propane: 5.754 kg CO2 / gallon
  • Steam: 42.76 kg CO2/ 1000 pounds of steam
  • Chilled Water: 37.79 kg CO2 / MMBTU
  • Natural Gas: 5.291 kg CO2 / Therms 

The Revolving...View full background »

No description has been provided yet.

Total Balance in Revolving Loan Fund


  • FY 2012:

    Includes original $1.5M and $750K from President's Office.

Project Team

  • Primary Contact:

    Amber Perfetti

    Project Leader:

    Robert Roman

    Team Members:

    • Tony Spurlock

    Prior Contacts:

    • Kent Reifsteck
    • Josh Whitson
    • Mike Marquissee


  • Proposed January 1, 2010
    Proposed by Suhail Barot
    Approved May 1, 2010
    Approved by Richard Herman
    Started July 1, 2011
    Started by Bob Easter


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