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Metric: Percent of Local Food from Dining Services

Food expenditures that are grown and processed within 150 miles of the University and/or purchases that are third-party certified (i.e. USDA Certified Organic, Marine Stewardship Council Blue Ecolabel, Food Alliance, Fair Trade, Certified Humane Raised and Handled) make up 28 percent of the total food purchases made at University Housing in FY17.  These standards are verified through the menu management system and primary vendor(s).  If campus use the USDA definition of local (400 miles), our local food would be 65%.


Metric Chart


Value Applicable Date Affirmed By Annotation
28.00 Jun 30 2014 Kate Gardiner


Plan Alignment: iCAP 2020
Year Target Value
2030 35.00

Metric Topic

Tracking Date Type

Fiscal Year [July - June]

Associated Projects

Key Objective(s)