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Archived web info - CSE ECO-Olympics

Posted by Morgan White on March 15, 2014

University of Illinois
Energy Conservation Competition
Think Globally....Act Locally!

ECO-OLYMPICS is an energy competition between 20+ residence halls on campus. 

Our goal is to engage, educate, and motivate students/employees/professors to change their behavior, and have a good time while doing it.

Eco-Olympics is part of a nationwide program called Campus Conservation Nationals 2014, as well as a mini Big Ten competition FMI:  Trophies and prizes will be given to the successful halls.

What you can do to help:

  • We need Building captains to organize a team of students to educate, promote, market, and motivate their residence hall.
  • Each team will post flyers, hold meetings and create their own winning strategy designed to gain participation throughout the competition and save electricity.
  • Register and put your team together (all team members need to register )
  • Compete for coveted trophy and prizes 
  • Make a difference in the world creating behavioral change for a better future.

You and your team members play a critical role in this incredible opportunity to make a difference in campus energy usage. 

This is the inaugural competition, so we will be creating a yearly tradition to leave behind and impact future students here at UIUC. The participants will also be able to include this on their resume as leadership, volunteering, team building and/or group participation. 

There will be meetings in March leading up to the competition that is scheduled for March 30-April 22, these meetings will train participants, go over the guidelines, and assign buildings to each team.

Thank you for your interest and participation in Eco Olympics, a Great opportunity making a difference locally and globally.

If you have any question I can be reached at

Competition Director

Paul Foote