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Projects Updates for Environmental Change Institute

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  1. Archived web info - ECI Change in the Heartland

    Associated Project(s): 

    Change and the Heartland curriculum
    Change and the Heartland is a publication of the Environmental Change Institute and the Agroecology and Sustainable Agriculture Program that seeks to bring the complex science of Climate Change challenges and address it in a understandable and yet meaningful manner. During the summer of 2012, a group of nine faculty from community colleges and higher educational institutions came together to develop student activities based on the 16 articles of the Change publication. The group completed a number of student activities in problem based learning style and a general course outline for an entry level course on climate change, using the Change publication as a primary resource.

    Change and the Heartland Issues:

    Issue 1:1 (PDF)
    How Will All That Extra CO2 Affect Crops?

    Issue 1:2 (PDF)
    How Will Climate Change Affect Birds?

    Issue 1:3 (PDF)
    Can Our Wildlife Shift Along with the Climate?

    Issue 1:4 (PDF)
    Can Tall Grass Miscanthus Replace Coal?

    Issue 1:5 (PDF)
    Will Urban Planning Change with the Climate?

    Issue 1:6 (PDF)
    Will Climate Change Affect Food Production?

    Issue 1:7 (PDF)
    How Will Cap-and-Trade Affect Firms and Farms?

    Issue 1:8 (PDF)
    Are Wild Bee Pollinator Populations Declining?

    Issue 1:9 (PDF)
    Ethanol or Gas: Which is Best for the Climate?

    Issue 1:10 (PDF)
    Can Conventional Farming Dequester Carbon?

    Issue 1:11 (PDF)
    What is the Future of Electricity in the U.S.?

    Issue 1:12 (PDF)
    Should the Free Market Manage Public Lands?

    Issue 1:13 (PDF)
    Will Climate Change Affect American Security?

    Issue 1:14 (PDF)
    What Will Happen to Fish and Aquatic Wildlife?

    Issue 1:15 (PDF)
    Can We Keep Soils Covered as Climate Changes?

    Issue 1:16 (PDF)
    What will Climate be like in 2050?


  2. Archived web info - ECI Energy Dashboard

    Independent Projects

    Illini Energy Dashboard
    The Illini Energy Dashboard provides clearly visible understandable information data and information to students and staff of selected University buildings describing energy consumption rate (electrical, chilled water and steam) so that users can make educated choices about the way they can affect energy consumption and conservation.What is Displayed? The gauges on the each building page displays real-time energy use data by building for heating, cooling and electricity.

  3. Archived web info - ECI Symposium

    Associated Project(s): 

    ECI Annual Symposium

    2009 Symposium (PDF)
    On December 4, 2009, the first of the ECI Symposiums set the stage for short, interesting summaries of funded research, course developments and outreach initiatives. 

    2010 Symposium (PDF)
    On November 8, 2010, the second Symposium gave the University community a chance to see new and developing work form researchers and students in the areas of environment, climate change, and sustainability. 

    2011 Symposium (PDF)
    On December 7, 2011, ECI's third and final Symposium was an opportunity to celebrate and highlight our Fellows and their contributions to the work in environmental change and funded research and educational projects.

  4. Archived web info - ECI Summits

    Associated Project(s): 

    Summit Summaries

    The Environmental Change Institute developed and implemented two Summits, Cap and Trade andAgricultural Solutions: Adaption & Mitigati0n. The goal of each was to reach out to academic, business and governmental agencies and begin a dialogue that would promote change in the areas of environmental sustainability. 

    Cap and Trade 2009
    ECI sponsored the first Summit on the topic of Cap and trade policies in Chicago, Illinois on May 28, 2009 (PDF) to explore the foundations of a sound cap and trade policy. Enlivened by a multi-disciplinary team of speakers, this cap and trade summit began a lively dialogue among leaders in business, science and policy. 

    Climate Change 2010
    Second Annual Environmental Change Institute Summit:
    Climate Change: Agricultural Solutions, Adaptation & Mitigation


    Attached Files: 
  5. Archived web info - ECI Publications

    Associated Project(s): 


    The Environmental Change Institute was focused on not only thinking about the challenging environmental problems, but also enabling changes to occur from that new knowledge. Through a generous gift from the Alvin H. Baum Family Fund and additional funds from the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences; the College of Business; and the College of Law, ECI was able to fund dozens of initiatives on the Illinois campus, at community colleges and in the Heartland.

  6. Archived web info - ECI Courses and Programs

    Associated Project(s): 

    Courses & Programs

    During the first year of operation Environmental Change Institute awarded $25,000 for the development of new courses related to one of the domains established by the ECI. The following is a listing of courses and course instructors. Follow the link to view the course syllabi.

    • Development of a Renewable Energy Law Course (funded 2009) Instructor: Dr. Jay Kesan, Departments of Agriculture and Consumer Economics and Business Administration. Co-Instructor: Dr. Bryan Endress, ACE. Syllabus (PDF)
    • Global Warming, Biofuels and Food; Plants and Global Change Instructor: Dr. Andrew Leakey, Department of Plant Biology and Institute for Genomic Biology (IGB). Co-Instructor: Dr. Elizabeth Ainsworth, Department of Plant Biology and IGB. Syllabus (PDF)
    • Climate and Social Vulnerability: Concepts and Policy Approaches Instructor: Dr. Jesse Ribot, Beckman Institute. Syllabus (PDF)
    • Environmental Sustainability – A Global Perspective Instructor: Dr. William Sullivan, Department of Landscape Architecture.Syllabus (PDF)
    • Design and Evaluation of Green Roof Systems at the University of Illinois Instructor: Dr. David Kovacic, Department of Landscape Architecture
    • LINC Bike Sharing (funded 2010) Instructor: Dr. Bruce Litchfield, Engineering Administration

    Landscapes, Sustainability, & Human Health Instructor: Dr. Bill Sullivan, Landscape Architecture


  7. Archived web info - ECI Research page

    Associated Project(s): 

    Research Projects

    Research is central to the mission of the Environmental Change Institute. In order to intelligently move forward in a changing environment, it is crucial to study all aspects of environmental change. Research through the ECI seeks to advance our understanding of global environmental change and offers solutions that enable society to avoid, mitigate or adapt to its effects.