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  1. Weekly Sustainable Transportation meeting with Hrushikesh and Nathaniel

    On 07/20/2023,  Sarthak, Nathaniel and Hrushikesh had a weekly meeting to discuss on Weekly Progress of the current projects that we are working on.

    Meeting Notes:

    - Campus Bike Plan 2024

    - Abandoned Bikes Project Inventory Documentation Completion

    - Bike Parking Rack Design

    - Research on Permeable Pavers and Bike Shelter

    - Discussion on the Next week's Tasks regarding Bike Audit

    - Bike Census


  2. New outdoor bins scheduled to arrive 8/11

    From: Sarah Carten <>
    Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2023 9:15 AM
    To: Hulse, Daphne Lauren <>; Jake Slager <>
    Cc: Liz Doeschot <>
    Subject: RE: Rvat Containers


    Hello Daphne.  We are going to schedule to delivery the containers on 8/11 between 8am – 2pm.  If something changes and you want sooner, just let me know.  Thank you.



  3. 7-19-23 Sustainability Meeting with key DIA contacts

    Attendance: Jen Fraterrigo, Daphne Hulse, Marty Kaufmann, Zach Acton, Tim Knox


    1. Quick recap of past accomplishments and opportunities (Jen)
    2. Messaging about bringing reusable bottles into facilities (Jen), internal/external
      1. Zach and Marty commented that they are currently working on their game day website, and they will be updating their messaging regarding water bottles during this process/get an updated image for the clear bag policy.
      2. Tim and Zach are pushing for gate attendance to accurately assess water bottles at games (and work on not refusing the bottles that are accepted according to the policy).
    3. Selling reusable bottles at games/events and status of hydration stations (Jen)
      1. The Soybean Association handed out free water bottles at a game. DIA has no issue with this concept. Usually it is easiest to find a sponsor who can help with the purchasing.
      2. Game Day Spirit is the merchandise company.
      3. Huff Hall - DIA controls only Room 100, so any hydration stations would need to be funded by the state-supported facility.
      4. DIA noted that during softball the Monster water stations were a big hit. The DIA would look into where else the Monsters can be used.
    4. Messaging during games (Jen)
      1. It is easiest to provide content to DIA that can be disseminated with a social media focus, or through the game day script itself.
      2. Hydration stations can be highlighted in the script with a customer service/health & safety focus. It is easier to promote things when they fall under these categories.
      3. In the pre-game emails sent to ticketholders, we can also put content in here (we're not sure how many people really read through all the info provided in these emails, but it is another outlet).
        1. There are thousands of tailgaters who come only for the tailgating and will not attend the game, so they won't see this information necessarily.
      4. Zach noted that during game day press releases, DIA can give call outs to new stuff, so this may be another outlet.
    5. Recycling bins at SFC (Daphne)
      1. Recapped the two zero waste games held at State Farm Center, and the need for recycling on the upper concourse.
      2. The recommendation transmitted from the iWG was originally sent to the DIA, but State Farm Center is owned by both the DIA and Student Affairs (Lowa). Jen noted that the recommendation may need to be sent to Lowa, too.
      3. Marty has monthly meetings with Lowa, and will bring this up for conversation with him.
    6. Tailgating plans (Daphne)
      • How many and which home games to focus on
      • Locations for dumpsters where bags will be collected (2 lots?)
        • DIA expects that walking the bags to the collection sites may be too much of an expectation for tailgaters. We'll have to test it and see.
        • Volunteers picking up blue bags left behind in lots may be good.
        • DIA is concerned that the dumpsters will become general trash piles, unless they are otherwise noted.
          • (F&S will be providing banners for the dumpsters, and all dumpsters will be staffed with volunteers to avoid this pitfall)
      • Confirm that parking lot/gate attendants will hand out blue bags
        • Confirmed. The parking lot supervisors will assist with this task.
      • Locations for 20 bins from Coke for unbagged recyclables
        • North side of Grange Grove is predominantly students, and this would be a great area to place the bins.
        • Portal 1 and Portal 2 on the west side of Memorial Stadium are the busiest entrances for games, so the bins in this area is great, too.
      • Connecting with volunteer groups who clean up after games
        • Did not get to this topic in the conversation, was sent as a follow up in email.
      • Incentivizing volunteer participation
        • Did not get to this topic in the conversation, was sent as a follow up in email.
  4. Weekly Update: e-bike questions

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, I’m having more and more conversations with folks about e-bikes. One older woman I spoke with last week said the nearest place able to service her e-bike is in Springfield, IL. Anecdotally, folks don’t seem aware of just how big and dangerous e-bike batteries are from an insurance perspective and thus why bike shops can’t work on them. I see myself having a lot of similar conversations over the next few months…

    We’re hovering around 20 bikes on the sales floor, but we’ve got almost 20 kids’ bikes taking up real estate, too. Plan this week is to fix a dozen or so of those and move them along, hopefully to some of the groups/orgs we’ve worked with in the past.

    The numbers:

    Visitors: 21
    Sales: $711.65
    Bikes (refurb): 1 for $400
    Bikes (B-a-B): 1 for $60
    Memberships: 3 for $90
    Tires/tubes: 7 for $98


    Jacob Benjamin
    Campus Bike Center Coordinator

  5. Weekly meeting with Hrushikesh and Nathaniel

    Sarthak met with Hrushikesh and Nathaniel on 7/13/2023 together to discuss the weekly meetings. This was the first Sustainable Transportation weekly intern meeting.

    Sarthak explained the layout for these meetings in the future. Hrushikesh and Nathaniel would lead these meetings going forward. They will report on the progress made in the previous week and go over their to-do list for the current week and the week after. They will send Sarthak their weekly progress report in form of Word or Excel or some other form and share it with the Sustainable Transportation team.

    These meetings will be held weekly until the semester begins.

  6. Checked the status of the Round Barns Abandoned Bikes Storage

    On 07/14/2023, Sarthak and Hrushikesh visited the Round Barns facility to get an update on the number of abandoned bikes picked-up by the Parking Department till date. We have identified 300 abandoned bicycles on campus, and they will be transported to the Round Barn by the end of next week. From Monday, 07/17/2023 inventory documentation will begin. 

  7. Weekly Meeting with Nathaniel and Hrushikesh

    On 07/13/2023, Sarthak had a meeting with Nathaniel and Hrushikesh to get a Weekly progress report and to set next week's tasks.

    - Set a structure for Weekly Meetings

    - Discussion on Bike Friendly University (BFU), Bike Racks Locations and their design Plans, Campus Bike Plan 2024, and the Abandoned Bicycles Project.

    - Gave an overview of the i-Cap Portal and Bike Friendly University (BFU) to Nathaniel.

    - Potential Encouragement project on Social Media: Making a Rules of the Road Video.  

  8. Splitting item by personal property or university property

    Associated Project(s): 

    Daphne Hulse on Teams: Thanks for meeting with us yesterday! We're looking forward to it. One thing that Shreya and I discussed this morning, that may not have been a part of earlier Recyclopedia discussions: there are two categories of items that we work with, those that are considered "personal property" and those that are considered "university property", which impacts where items should be disposed. We have less than 10 recyclables that are disposed of through the Waste Transfer Station (ex: cardboard, paper), but there are many more obscure items (ex: mattresses) that would be disposed of elsewhere. It would be useful for our purposes to have a way to clarify this. This could be one of the additional "fields" or perhaps there is a way within the website to split the categorization by "tab," if that makes sense

  9. Meeting on 2023 Champaign County Bike Month Planning

    Associated Project(s): 

    On 07/12/2023, Sarthak and Hrushikesh were a part of a 2023 Champaign County Bike Month Planning meeting.

    - Confirmed Dates for Upcoming Events:
    September 14th – Bike to Work Day
    September 19th – Light the Night

    Time - 4p.m to 7p.m (Tentative)
    September 21st – Rain Day

    - Budget for Light the Night

    - Suggestion in the meeting: The system of Veo Rides is bringing in more bike riders in the community. 

    -* Contact Lily for availability and confirm the dates for the event.

  10. Meeting with Cynthia: Upcoming Events Learn How to Ride a Bicycle

    On 07/12/2023, Cynthia (C-U SRTS Project Chair) had a meeting with Sarthak and Hrushikesh to plan and discuss events that will help promote use of bicycle on Campus.

    Meeting Minutes:

    - Youth Cycling Instructor has gone through enough training to help in the event, but is not certified.

    - 2 events will be held initially

    1) Event - Learn to Ride

    Date - Tentatively scheduled on 08/12/2023 (Saturday) or 08/12/2023 (Sunday) (Morning preferred)

    Location - Basketball Courts near Campus Bike Center

    Students - 2-3 students per LCI

    Limit to 6 students in Total

    *2 Volunteers required (including 1 Mechanical Volunteer @Jake)

    *Electric Bikes not preferred

    2) Basic Bicycling Skills Class - 10-12 people limit

    * For these events Bikes can be made available by Bike Rodeo. 

    - Ride Illini Initiative - Bicycle Friendly Businesses can be involved to incentivize use of Bicycles.

  11. F&S ITS team + F&S zero waste meet to discuss next steps

    Associated Project(s): 

    Attendance: Matthew Fancher, Daphne Hulse, Nikkole Duda, Justin Pryor, Patrick Duda, Steve Breitwieser, Shreya Mahajan


    • Nikkole: Business Analyst for IT with F&S, keep us on track
    • Matt: Web Developer, original Recyclopedia developer on Sitefinity
    • Justin: Software Developer with F&S
    • Patrick: Application Development with F&S
    • Steve: F&S communications contact working with ITS on the new website
    • Shreya: F&S zero waste intern, had the Recyclopedia initiative passed down to her from a previous intern

    Matt’s two options:

    First option (within the existing website):

    • On the back end, the new website we can have a standard set of fields (title, description) whatever set of fields we need that we plug the information into
    • On the front end, it would be a part of the existing website (
    • It would be searchable

    Second option (microsite):

    • Would get a URL (
    • Have more control over what was on the front page
    • Things could interact differently, and as we wanted them to


    • Steve thinks content within the F&S website would work well
      • The concern is the image sizing, which has come up on other pages
      • Come up with a style (post-produce) to make the photos more uniform
      • How will this integrate to the Waste Management & Recycling and zero waste and other relevant pages?
    • Time component, we could do the website stuff sooner and think about a microsite later


    • Daphne proposes during fall semester
    • Matt suggests September 1 would be a wishlist deadline
      • Patrick suggests that the team do an internal review of the deadline and get back to Daphne/Shreya


    • Standard set of fields from Sitefinity, will all need to agree if these are kept or if there are more needed — on Microsoft Teams Nikkole will create a team page for everyone so we can overview the fields and agree
    • Steve suggests that we focus on a core amount of items (top 50) first before all of the random abstract stuff
      • We would need someone constantly managing it, if we didn’t cap it somewhere
      • Suggest as a place to ask additional specific questions for things that are not covered

    Nikkole will get us set up on Microsoft Teams, so the ITS group can update us on their progress and receive feedback from us when needed.


    Thank you,

    Daphne Hulse (she/her)
    Zero Waste Coordinator
    Facilities & Services | University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
    +1 (217) 333-7550 |

    Please consider the environment before printing an email. Under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act any written communication to or from university employees regarding university business is a public record and may be subject to public disclosure.

