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FY10 Bike Parking Survey (Completed)

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In 2010, an informal survey was distributed online for campus users to complete.  This survey was focused primarily on getting the campus' opinion about where new and improved bike parking was most needed.  The information collected helped define the priorities for improved bike parking as funding becomes available.  This survey also contained some simple questions about various other bicycle related topics, such as bike sharing, shower facilities, and registration systems.


This message went to various people on campus, asking them to participate in the survey:

There is an urgent need for new and improved bike parking throughout campus.  To prioritize the limited available funding, we are seeking your input.  Please take a few minutes to complete the survey at, and tell us about your bike parking needs or recommendations.  This survey will be live from April 22 (Earth Day) to May 22, 2010.  The first set of questions seeks your top five recommended buildings for new or improved bike parking.  For each building, we also ask the location around that building, so you could say “south side” or “near the fountain on the northeast corner.”  Additional questions in the survey will guide us for other bike services and programs to seek for campus in future years.

No description has been provided yet.

Project Team

  • Primary Contact:

    Amelia Neptune

    Project Leader:

    Morgan Johnston

    Team Members:

    • Grace Kenney
    • Suhail Barot
    • Stephanie Zec


  • Proposed April 2, 2010
    Proposed by Suhail Barot
    Approved April 5, 2010
    Approved by Morgan Johnston
    Started April 23, 2010
    Started by Morgan Johnston
    Completed September 15, 2010
    Completed by Grace Kenney
