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Projects Updates for ICECF Grants

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  1. Red Oak Rain Garden Monthly Newsletter: March 2021

    Associated Project(s): 

    Each month, the Red Oak Rain Garden (RORG) Team produces an e-newsletter to keep supporters updated on everything that is happening in the garden. In the March 2021 e-newsletter, the team highlighted RORG's participation in podcasts, partnerships for grants, volunteer opportunities, and more!

    To read their March 2021 newsletter, please see the attached file below.

  2. Red Oak Rain Garden Nears Completion with Award of Grants

    Please see the attached file for a recent press release regarding the Red Oak Rain Garden and their awarded grants from the Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation.

  3. Contract for Navigant Consulting Inc

    In June 2005, Navigant Consulting Inc was hired by the University of Illinois to do a feasibility study, which would include

    • a wind turbine-generator fatal flaw analysis for setting up to four wind turbine-generators on the property owned by UIUC in the South Farms area.
    • To develop a preliminary economic analysis of the wind turbine-generator bus-bar electric costs.
    • Results of the study will be used by UIUC to prepare an application to the Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation