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2014 Campus Bike Plan (Completed)

Recent Project Updates

Key Objective


The iCAP 2020 objective 3.4.2 is to "Continue to implement the 2014 Campus Bike Plan." The responsible campus unit for championing this objective is F&S.

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has completed and approved the 2014 Campus Bike Plan, a master plan to direct our efforts for...View full description »


The benefits of a bicycle friendly campus are many. As a mode of transportation, bicycles provide solutions in the areas of safety, sustainability, cost savings, mobility, health and wellbeing. The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign was one of the first campuses in the nation to adopt a...View full background »

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4.5 Percent of Proposed Bikeway Facilities Installed


  • FY 2016:

    Dedicated bike path removals, First Street, and Fourth Street completed.

Bicycle Registration in Project 529 system

Project Team

  • Project Leader:

    Stacey DeLorenzo


  • Proposed November 1, 2007
    Proposed by Pam Voitik
    Approved March 3, 2015
    Approved by Phyllis Wise
