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weekly update

Posted by Morgan White on September 21, 2015

Hello all,

This past week was busy but good.  I was able to start our partnership with the school of education and orientate the EDU 201 students.  I registered quite a few bikes, and we had strong attendance at the Center.  We also lent a pair of bikes to the Krannert center for a performance, which is said to have been wonderful.  We sold 1 bike for $120, 12 student memberships for $300, and 3 community memberships for $120.  The Center grossed $1278.  I went to the BPAC meeting.  Nothing of note there, we just went over the MCORE plans.

This coming week I will be training students from the EDU 201 class on how to help us at the Bike Project and Bike Center.  I will be preparing for my absence in October for Bike!Bike!.  I will also be training new employees, and making sure shop operations are up to standard.  With the busyness of fall, and trying to fill in for the not yet hired active trans coordinator a lot of things were not attended to as well as I would have liked. 

From the Campus Outpost,
James Roedl