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- 2. Energy Conservation and Building Standards
- 2015 Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP)
Key Objective: 2. Energy Conservation and Building Standards
Campus energy use is reported in units of Energy Use Intensity (EUI), the megawatt hours (MWh) of energy per square foot of campus building space used annually. Because campus constantly changes with construction and demolition, it can be confusing to focus exclusively on total energy use. EUI controls for changes in the amount of space demanding energy from year to year, to give accurate information on energy use reduction.
In 2014, EUI was down 21% from the 2008 baseline. Goals: Decrease EUI by 30% by 2020.
Future goals: 40% reduction by 2025, and 50% reduction by 2050. It’s important to note that even if the rate at which we use energy (EUI) stays the same, if square footage of campus space increases, we will use more total energy, thus increasing our footprint and undermining conservation work.
1. Maintain or reduce the campus gross square footage relative to the FY10 baseline.
2. Improve standards for new buildings andmajor renovations by the end of FY16.
3. Strengthen centralized conservation efforts focusing on building systems, to achieve a 30% reduction in total campus building energy use by FY20. Suggested actions:
» Develop a campus energy conservation master plan.
» Complete more energy performance contracts.
» Expand campus retro-commissioning program.
» Expand campus maintenance programs.
» Extend campus lighting projects.
» Execute a fume hood efficiency program.
» Employ IT energy use guidelines.
» Install instantaneous hot water heaters, increase insulation on hot water. tanks, and recover heat from chiller condensers.
4. Engage and incentivize the campus community in energy conservation, including a comprehensive energy conservation campaign, with at least 50% of units participating by FY20.
» iSEE’s Certified Green Office Program and F&S’s Energy Conservation Incentive Program are good starts, but they need expanding.
» Because the campus energy budget is centrally held, no individual sees financial savings for their energy efficiency (just the campuswide budget does). Find a way to reward the individual savers.
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