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Rail Splitter Wind Farm

62635 Emden , IL
United States

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Projects at this location

Project Description
Wind Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)

From November 2016 through October 2026, the Urbana campus will receive a percentage-based portion of the wind-generated electricity and associated environmental attributes from the Rail Splitter Wind Farm located north of Lincoln, Illinois. The power purchase agreement (PPA) specifies that 8.6% of the total wind generation from the farm will be sold to the university, which is expected to be an annual amount of more than 25,000 megawatt-hours (MWh).

Project Updates

  • 7/3/2024

    RailSplitter Wind Farm provided the June 2024 Buyer's Share amounts by the hour, totaling 1,739.5 Megawatt hours.


    The June 2024 Buyer's Share Report is attached below.

  • 6/5/2024

    RailSplitter Wind Farm provided the May 2024 Buyer's Share amounts by the hour, totaling 1,549.6 Megawatt hours.

    The May 2024 Buyer's Share Report is attached below.