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- Biweekly Champaign County Bike Month Planning Team Meeting
Biweekly Champaign County Bike Month Planning Team Meeting
Posted by Hrushikesh Chavan on July 27, 2023
On 07/26/2023, Sarthak and Hrushikesh attended this meeting:
Meeting Notes:
1) Event- Bike to Work Day
- Welcome Stations Locations - Champaign Center Signage at City Building to direct people, Orchard Downs, Campus Bike Center, Disability Resources and Educational Services (DRES), University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine (Vet Med), Campus Recreation Center, City of Urbana, Lucky Moon Pies, Savoy Recreation Center. Total 8 Confirmed Stations.
- Suggestions for a Welcome Station - Video to demonstrate how to interact and Spread Awareness during the event, Interesting and elaborate Brochure , a standard picture of how a table should be set on all the stations, Voter Registration, Early Printed Materials
- T-Shirt budget is close to $10000.
2) Forest Reserve is potentially hosting an event On-Campus to raise awareness
3) Promotion
- Updating the MTD Ad for Champaign County Bike Month - Thomas/Gabe
- Campus Street Fest - September 9th , 1-7 p.m - Contact Xander
4) Fundraising
- Contacting Sponsors - MTD is a significant donor
- University of Illinois - $6000 (donating for Bike to Work Day & Light the Night Events)
- Funds for Bike Lights - $2000
- Housing - $1500 (Snacks and Refreshments) - Potential
*Suggestion to make Kids sized T-Shirts
5) To do for Sarthak:
a. Ask UIPD to be present for the event.
b. Champaign County Bike Month Advertisement can be posted on the U of I Digital Boards