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Check in about C2P2

Posted by Quinn Connolly on March 14, 2023



I'm the Carbon Offset Fellow with Second Nature. I would like to check in with someone from UIUC about your participation in the C2P2 program. We are preparing to contract with an accredited third-party verifier to seek verification of all credits between July 1 2020 and Dec 31, 2022, and for the revalidation of UIUC's project crediting period. The cost for this for UIUC is significant and will require site visits by the third-party verifier.  I need confirmation from someone on your team that you do want us to contract these services on your behalf. 


My cell phone number is 828 582 5039. Email is also a good way to reach me. 


Thank you for your attention to this. I look forward to your reply!



Hi Morgan,


Is this something you would like me to assist with?


