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Herbicide Application @ Orchard Downs Update

Posted by Kejsi Ago on July 28, 2022

From: Jaquet, Izabelle Sarah
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2021 9:53 AM
To: Lewis, Brent C; White, Morgan
Cc: Ward, Michael Patrick; Brunk, Lauren
Subject: FTGU Herbicide Update

Hello All,

I sent an email regarding From The Ground Up's Orchard Down Plot restoration in May and don't believe I received explicit approval for the plan, so I did not initiate further action. Now that the fall semester is upon us, I would like to ask if it's still possible to apply herbicide to the whole plot?

Thank you so much,
Izabelle Jaquet (she/her)
Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Science & Agriculture and Consumer Economics
University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign| December 2022