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meeting minutes

Posted by Morgan White on November 17, 2014

Hello Everyone,

Hope everyone is staying warm and healthy! I have completed the minutes for the last meeting held on Wednesday, November 11th. I have attached a PDF copy of them as well as uploaded them to the Google Doc Drive. If you have a chance, please read through them, as we discussed a lot of forward movement last week and our goals leading into Spring 2015.

In addition, it has come to my attention that the currently standing meeting time is no longer feasible for some group members. The members who participated at the last meeting proposed that with such a hectic final 3 weeks, we have one more meeting the week following Fall Break. I have attached a Doodle survey to gain consensus of what a good last meeting time would be. Please fill it out by the end of the week so I can make necessary plans before break.

Finally, as you will see on the minutes, we discussed project proposals for preliminary testing of large scale concept recommendations. Please bring with you an idea to next meeting.

See you soon,



Danielle J. Thayer

Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Attached Files