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Small Solar at Energy Farm

Posted by Quinn Connolly on December 11, 2023




Energy Tax Credit Form

Webtools Form 447240223 submitted by:
Tim Mies 
College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences (KL), Department of Crop Sciences (802), Staff
11/09/2023 11:52 A.M.

Thank you for submitting the Energy Tax Credit Form. The applicable University Liaison will contact you after it has been reviewed.

1. Location:

2. Applicant College/Department:
Crop Sciences

3. Project number and/or building (if applicable):
near Energy Farm

4. Anticipated beginning of construction date:

5. Anticipated placed in service date:

6. Total project budget (basis or cost):

7. Estimated construction costs (only include total energy project cost, including contingency):

8. Will the property be owned by the university as a depreciable asset?

9. Will the property be financed with tax-exempt bonds?

10. If yes, what percentage of the property is financed with tax-exempt bonds?

11. Is the energy property funded by a restricted grant or restricted forgivable loan**?

12. If yes, what amount is funded by a restricted grant or restricted forgivable loan?

13. Provide a brief description of the project and the energy component that may qualify for the tax credit:
Project will connect existing 15kw solar panels to campus electrical grid.

14. Briefly describe the proposed intended use of the tax credit funds:
Funds will be used to support campus ICAP efforts

15. What tax credit is applicable for the project?
Investment tax credit IRC Section 48: qualified energy property or technology (Appendix A)

16. Is this energy property funded by a grant made under Section 1603 of the American Recovery and Reinvestment of 2009 (The 1603 Program: Payments for Specified Energy Property in lieu of Tax Credits)?

17. Which of the following options describes the property?
equipment which uses solar energy to generate electricity, to heat or cool (or provide hot water for use in) a structure, or to provide solar process heat, except property used to generate energy for the purposes of heating a swimming pool, or

18. Is there qualified interconnection property associated with the project?

19. If yes, what is the basis (cost) of any qualified interconnection property associated with the energy project?

20. Is the property part of a clean hydrogen production facility?

21. Does the project meet one (1) of the following requirements (five (5) times base credit amount for a total of 30%)?

22. If yes, which requirement is met?
Item #1

23. Does the project meet the domestic content bonus credit**?

24. Is the project located in an energy community**?

25. Do you want to proceed?

53. Submission and Liaisons
Timothy Mies, Director Energy Farm Operations, 11/09/2023








Hi Angie,


I’ve reviewed this form (actually, Tim filled it out while I was with him), and I agree this small solar installation at UIUC should qualify for the IRA Tax Credit.  I understand that the next step is for you to review it, and then forward it to the Treasury Office for their review and processing.


Please let me and Tim know if you have any questions.








Is this project actually a solar installation or just the interconnection?


From below:

Project will connect existing 15kw solar panels to campus electrical grid.”


If this is not the purchase/construction of solar panels for original use, it is not property as described under Section 48:

equipment which uses solar energy to generate electricity, to heat or cool (or provide hot water for use in) a structure, or to provide solar process heat, except property used to generate energy for the purposes of heating a swimming pool,


I’m happy to set up a time to discuss if that helps.


Kimberly A. Maxwell, CPA


Hi Tim and Rob,


I’d like your perspective on this question about the small solar at the Energy Farm.  If you would like to discuss it, please let me know who to include in a call with the tax office.


Thank you,



Hi Morgan,


Happy to discuss this further to determine if this project can meet the requirements for the credit.  Do we want to discuss internally first?

