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TED Talk: Eco-Edition - Environmental Action - Resources!

Posted by Meredith Moore on September 3, 2021

The August TED Talk: Eco-Edition event on environmental action was a great conversation to kick off a new semester at Illinois! Alexandra Gergova was a terrific host at the event and showed an inspiring TED Talk by Majora Carter, “Greening the ghetto”. Learn more about Majora’s work and environmental activism here. In addition to the resources outlined in Alex’s presentation (see attached), below are additional and resources that were shared during the conversation:

I hope that you enjoyed the discussion on Tuesday evening and that you learned about a new opportunity or way to take action and get involved. Every action has an impact – it is up to all of us to talk about it, tell someone else, and empower others to show up and take action, too!  As always, please reach out with any questions, feedback, or to share additional resources/opportunities!