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Thermal Energy Storage - site selection - updated report and scorecards

Posted by Quinn Connolly on June 6, 2023

Good afternoon Site Selection Committee.  I have received some comments and have incorporated them into the draft report and it is attached here.

Also attached is a site evaluation form for you to fill out along with a quick guide on how to complete the evaluation. Please provide your scoring no later than 3:00pm on Thursday May 11, 2023.  After that, I will compile the final version with the scoring.


Please let me know if you have any questions.  


Thank you,


Mark Roessler


Good afternoon everyone.  Dennis pointed out to me that there is a better scorecard document to use rather than the pdf that I previously sent.  Please use the attached excel spreadsheet instead of the pdf.


And just a reminder to try to have your scores into me by 3pm on Thursday 5/11/2023.


Thank you and have a great weekend.


Good afternoon, Mark.


Please find attached, UOCP’s site selection review to locate a new CHW tank.


Let me know if you have any questions.


Thank you,



Good morning Sandy.  How’s it going today? 


I think you mentioned you/UOCP would have more comments on the draft of the final report for the TES tank selection so I am checking in to see if there are any?




Mark, thank you for requesting UOCP’s input.  UOCP has reviewed the draft Site Evaluation Report for locating the new Thermal Energy Storage tank.  Please accept UOCP’s review comments for consideration before UOCP accepts the final report.


Thank you,
