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Water Reduction Challenge Kickoff

Posted by Tyler Swanson on May 31, 2022

Text Copied from email

Subject: Welcome to the Water Reduction Challenge!

Good evening! 


It is April 4th which means Earth Month is officially kicked off, and iSEE’s Water Reduction Challenge has begun! Thank you, and congratulations, for signing up for the challenge and welcome to the community! 


The challenge will take place from April 4th to April 30th. Throughout the month, the goal is to learn about your own water use and what steps can be taken to reduce this amount. We hope that you will be more conscious of how much water you use each day with newfound tools to continue in your water reduction journey!


Each day, track the amount of water you directly and indirectly use based on the products/actions defined on the predetermined points sheet (attached). For each water-intensive action, you lose points, and for each sustainable action, you earn points. For example, you will lose points for taking a long shower (longer than 5 minutes), but earn points by wearing clothes multiple times without washing. The goal is to earn as many points as possible, but the most important goal is to become more cognizant of your daily water habits and understand how to incorporate more water-conscious behaviors into your lifestyle. 


Start keeping track on Monday, April 4; attached is the week 1 grid to record your points. We suggest keeping track of your actions throughout the day using a note on your phone or a piece of scratch paper, and then fill out the grid at the end of each day. Each week, we will send resources, tools, and tips to check in and help guide your experience; at any time, feel free to reach out with questions, comments, or feedback on the challenge.


Please submit your point grids at the end of each week by the following Tuesday. For week 1 of the challenge (April 4-10), fill out this form and upload your grid by Tuesday, April 12. Each week you participate and submit your grid, you will be entered into a raffle for sustainability prizes!


We are so excited that you have taken a significant step in managing your water usage. Please let us know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns at any point throughout the challenge! If you know anyone else who may be interested in challenging themselves to use less water, please pass this along and have them fill out this form to get involved and start accumulating tips and resources to aid in the process. Anyone and everyone are encouraged to join the challenge at any point in the month.


Check out the attached guide with tips to help you get started in your water reduction journey, and be sure to thoroughly read the point system document. We are so excited to get started, and we hope you are too! Have a great week, and be on the lookout for the Week 2 email next weekend.


~Jenna Schaefer (iSEE intern) and Meredith Moore (iSEE Sustainability Programs Manager)


P.S. Have you signed up for the iSEE newsletter yet? If not, click here! This is the best place to stay in-the-know with the latest sustainability events, programs, and opportunities . . . such as the trash clean-up on April 8 from 3-4:30 PM - meet at Alma Mater and open to all! More details here.