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Week 3 - Water Reduction Challenge

Posted by Tyler Swanson on May 31, 2022

Text copied from email

Subject: Week 3 Water Reduction Challenge - Happy Earth Week!

Hello and Happy Earth Week!


You are almost halfway done with the Water Reduction Challenge. Congratulations! How is it going? It is great to see you reflect on your water-use habits; on our end, we have enjoyed hearing about the creative steps you are taking to reduce your consumption. We hope that you have been able to implement some new water reduction habits into your daily life since week 1 and that you are looking forward to incorporating more sustainability actions in the next two weeks. If you have not already done so, please submit your Week 2 Google Form with an uploaded point grid by Tuesday, April 19.


This week, let’s focus on reducing your water footprint by consuming and purchasing goods more intentionally! Did you know that the production of just one pair of jeans requires 2,108 gallons of water? Each product you consume requires water to produce it; as a consumer, you have a lot of purchasing power to invest in more local, ethically-produced, and sustainable goods. Ask yourself if you really need to purchase the item in question when you are shopping, or consider if there is a more sustainable option (think about alternatives that you already have or purchase a reusable/high-quality item). Learn more about conscious consumption in this week’s tips attached to this message. For example, learn about the business practices of the brands you support and donate to and purchase clothes from second-hand stores.


Continue to keep track of your points and submit your Week 3 Google Form and grid (attached) by Tuesday, April 26. As a reminder, you can join or start tracking your water at any point in the month. For each submission at the end of the week, you’ll be entered into a raffle for sustainability prizes! 


There are a lot of activities this Earth Week! While every day should be treated the same as “Earth Day”, try and take a few extra steps this week to be more environmentally conscious. On Tuesday, April 19 from 7-8 PM, Jennifer Walling (Executive Director of the Illinois Environmental Council) will be hosting the iSEE TED Talk: Eco-Edition series on Zoom. Learn more and sign up here! Check out more events this week on the iSEE Sustainability Calendar.


As always, if you have any questions, concerns, or would like to share how the challenge is going for you, please email us. Have a great week!


~Jenna Schaefer (iSEE intern) and Meredith Moore (iSEE Sustainability Programs Manager)