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Weekly Update for Zero Waste
Posted by Marya Ryan on August 27, 2017
Hello Tracy,
Here are my zero-waste coordination activities from the past week:
- Continued my efforts to find out who in the area can provide glass recycling service. See the attached document for what I’ve learned so far. It looks like we are on track for the time being, as Midwest Fiber has agreed to continue to accept drop-offs from Housing. I have a phone call coming up this week with Michael Olinger at Housing; they may be willing to pick up glass from the Wounded Vets Center and possibly other buildings. I will confirm this when I speak with Michael.
- I collated a list of LEED buildings on campuses in Urbana, Champaign, Bloomington, Normal, Springfield, and Decatur. If need be, I will find contacts at the buildings to inquire about how they handle glass recycling. Given that Midwest Fiber is willing to continue the arrangement with Housing, it is unlikely that I will need to follow up. I identified a vendor who carries rectangular recycling bins for glass collection and will continue to look for others who do. I’ve inquired with you and Morgan about whether to coordinate my efforts with iBuy and will do so if appropriate.
- Updated battery recycling information on the iCAP Portal and uploaded the attached file to the pages for rechargeable and single-use recycling. Contacted Call2Recycle for information about what the U of I parent ID number is used for. Once I find out, I will update the iCAP pages if necessary and will follow up with Steve Breitweiser with updated instructions for the F&S website.
- Continued developing program materials for the glove recycling program on campus. I had a phone call with Kimberly Clark representatives, who are working on a list of chemicals that gloves may have been used with prior to recycling. Once I have that list and instructions from you regarding the trailer at the Physical Plant, I will forward materials to Anna Barnes so she can create web pages and PDFs to support program implementation.
- I have contacted a potential volunteer at ISTC who had expressed willingness to help transport gloves from labs and other sites to the trailer. He volunteered over a year ago, when Bart Bartels was still here, so I have reached out to see if he is still willing and able to assist.
This afternoon, I will continue my work on mapping trash bins around campus and will send you and Morgan as much as I complete today. I plan to fully complete the task over the Labor Day weekend.
Best regards,
Marya Ryan
Zero Waste Coordinator