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Weekly Update for Zero Waste
Posted by Marya Ryan on September 4, 2017
Hi Tracy—
Here’s what I was up to this past week:
- I’ve come very close to finishing the maps of the trash bins, with just 3 of the 14 sheets left to wrap up next weekend when I’m back in town again.
- I talked to Michael Olinger at Housing. They are willing to pick up glass for recycling from the Wounded Vets Center and other buildings when we are ready. I introduced Michael to Nick Osborne at Wounded Vets via email so that Michael can arrange a site visit. Midwest Fiber is charging $80/ton for glass drop-offs. Michael will consult with Dawn Aubrey about what the expectations would be for cost sharing on the part of buildings that Housing picks up glass from. As we work through setting up Wounded Vets, I am writing up a process for setting up buildings with glass recycling so that it can be replicated as we add more buildings.
- I learned that it’s best if we don’t ask units to use the Call2Recycle site ID when they order battery collection boxes. It could muddy the waters with regard to who is responsible for payment and where the boxes would be shipped. Therefore, the instructions in the iCAP portal are fine as they are. This coming week I will send them to Steve Breitweiser so he can update the F&S page on battery recycling.
- The potential volunteer for transporting gloves from labs to the trailer referred me to Shantanu Pai. Shantanu had to postpone our call this week, so hopefully, I will learn more from him this coming week about who may be willing to help with transportation. I learned that over the summer, Michael Olinger had sent a trailer load of gloves to Kimberly Clark.
Best regards,
Marya Ryan
Zero Waste Coordinator