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Weekly Update for Zero Waste
Posted by Marya Ryan on March 4, 2018
Hi Pete and Shawn—
This past week
- Morgan and I had a phone call to catch up on glove recycling. We are still sorting out the situation at Noyes, as they seem to have an independent arrangement with Kimberly Clark for glove pick-up. I am also trying to see if they would allow one of the labs from RAL to drop glove off there. A post-doc from the lab at RAL is interested in having the lab participate but can’t get the gloves to PPSB.
- I asked Morgan and Anna for feedback on an online glove recycling participation form to go on the relevant iCAP portal page. I also sent content for an informational flier which will eventually be posted on the site.
Best regards,
Marya Ryan
Zero Waste Coordinator