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Weekly Update for Zero Waste

Posted by Marya Ryan on May 28, 2018

Hi Pete and Shawn—

Here is a summary of zero-waste activity from this past week: 

  • I completed a draft Architecture Review Committee proposal for replacing trash bins with dual bins in the core campus area. It is with Morgan for her comments.
  • The BER student volunteers have been in touch. Two of them are available over the summer to review the OBFS/Purchasing report of departments that purchase gloves. They will use the campus directory to identify initial contact people in the departments so that they and/or other volunteers can reach out to departments that are not yet participating in the glove recycling program. I will prepare the report for their use by deleting departments that are already participating and those that purchase only small amounts of gloves (under $2,000 for the year covered by the report). 
  • I emailed Joe Pickowitz to see if the vendors have provided parts for the EPS densifier yet. He was also making inquiries about obtaining throughput data for the machine. 

Best regards,
Marya Ryan
Zero Waste Coordinator