1 Slim Bin placed at the Waste Transfer Station
P10H08575 placed in Waste Transfer Station break room
P10H08575 placed in Waste Transfer Station break room
P10H08574 placed in the Materials Research Laboratory
P10H08580 placed on the first floor- East
P10H08581 placed on the first floor- West
P10H08585 placed on basement level
P1H08584 placed on first floor
P10H08583 placed on second floor
P10H08582 placed on third floor
P10H08419 placed on Lower Level C0220 near stairs, P10H08418 placed on second floor C2220 against north brick wall, P10H08117 placed on third floor C3200 east wall/elevator landing, P10H08416 placed on fourth floor C4200 east wall/evelator landing.
P10H08422 placed on the second floor south side, P10H08421 placed on the third floor north side, and P10H08420 placed on the third floor south side.
Hi Paul,
Should we set up a calendar time to talk via Teams about the ECIP plans? I’d think it would include Jen Fraterrigo, and maybe Rob?
Hi Morgan,
During Monday’s meeting we chose to follow your advice and go with the fall schedule.
We are again having conference schedule during this week and wonder if the sustainability week can be chosen on a week other than the week of Oct 16th – the 20th?
Hi Paul,
I think the date of the Campus Sustainability Celebration can move, as long as it is within October. I'll touch base with Jen about it and confirm.
Hi Elizabeth,
I checked with Karl and the BTAF Mechanical conference for engineering is Oct 15-18th and the I2SL Sustainable Labs conference is Oct 22-25, if we can avoid these two weeks that would be terrific?
Thank you
Paul Foote
Hello Elizabeth,
Any updates on the timing for this event?
I am looking to coordinate the ECIP awards for 2022 and 2023 during this event.
Paul Foote
P10G96450 placed in the cafe, 613, on the south wall near the TV monitor.
P10G96448 placed in the vestibule outside the bottom of the stairwell, C0192.
P10G96449 placed at C100A.
P10H08415 on first floor outside 137, near lecture hall.
P10H08424 outside of room 62 in the basement and P10H0843 in 163C area where the old cafe space used to be.
P10G96447 lower lobby against the west wall.
P10G96446 C108 hallway by stairs.
P10G96445 on first floor near Pennsylvania Ave entrance.
P10G96444 placed near Room 364.
P10G96441 placed on ground floor, P10G96443 placed on second floor, P10G96442 placed on third floor.
Hi Paul,
Should we set up a calendar time to talk via Teams about the ECIP plans? I’d think it would include Jen Fraterrigo, and maybe Rob?
Hi Morgan,
During Monday’s meeting we chose to follow your advice and go with the fall schedule.
We are again having conference schedule during this week and wonder if the sustainability week can be chosen on a week other than the week of Oct 16th – the 20th?
Hi Paul,
I think the date of the Campus Sustainability Celebration can move, as long as it is within October. I'll touch base with Jen about it and confirm.
Good morning,
I am fine with moving the Campus Sustainability Celebration to another week in October.
On March 27, 2023, it was recorded that 63 buildings across campus have at least one of the new 3-bins.
Hello Jen and Morgan,
I have attached a draft of the award letter to be sent to the deans and dept heads, and am reaching out to iSEE in regards to supporting this program.
I believe in the past ISEE co-presented these awards with F&S and more recently the awards were presented at the Sustainability Celebration which works well to promote more exposure for all sustainability items on campus.
Unfortunately, the BTAF Mechanical Engineering conference and I2SL conferences are during the same week so we were not available to join this past year.
We are now looking at 5 separate presentations at each location to present this years awards and wondering what support or involvement ISEE would be interested in?
Thank you
Paul Foote
Hi Paul,
Jen and I spoke about this, and iSEE is interested in continuing to participate in the presentation of the ECIP awards. We would like to suggest that this be a single award presentation, rather than the five separate events. It can occur during Earth Month, and perhaps it could be held at the ACES Library, which is a nice venue and it was the ECIP winner with the highest energy savings.
Please let us know if this is an acceptable plan, and we can arrange a call to talk about the details.
Also, I asked Ehab about the Henry Admin Building leadership, and he suggests Paul Ellinger be the point of contact for the award letter.
Hello Everyone,
This is a terrific plan, Rob gave the go-ahead to plan the venue, date & time etc.
When works best for all?
Thank you
Hello All,
I am bumping this to the top of the email list for scheduling the venue and timing for this event.
Let me know when we can discuss/finalize the details?
Paul Foote
Hi Paul,
Is there anything that you were anticipating including in this event agenda, other than the ECIP announcements and plaque distribution? If not, it might be better to include both years’ winners in the fall 2023 campus sustainability celebration.
I realize this is a shift from what we were thinking of, but it would be a shame to put together an event that is only 15 minutes long… It would also be difficult to get a broad audience.
Hi Morgan,
We were thinking this timeframe might fit better than the fall venue with multiple conferences etc…
Pending the date, we should have information regarding the next round of funding and were planning to gather the facilities managers at this event to share examples and promote future project applications.
Thoughts everyone?
Hi Morgan and all,
I crossed the revolving loan fund and ECIP, the ECIP awards can be discussed at our next monthly meeting.
Thank you
Paul Foote
Hi Paul, What monthly meeting?
thanks, Morgan
Hi Morgan,
UES has a monthly meeting for ECIP, RLF, rapid back and other funding items as needed.