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Projects Updates for Bike Lockers

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  1. Library interested in getting bike lockers

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Jim and Morgan,

    Can this project be funded in total by the Students for Sustainability grant?  If not, there is insufficient support at this time from the Library to assist in funding the initiative. 



    From: Lev, James R
    Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2013 4:24 PM
    To: Slater, Robert; Johnston, Morgan B; Schrader, Jeffrey M
    Cc: Neptune, Amelia
    Subject: RE: FACILITIES NOTICE: Bicycle Thefts Across Campus - REMINDER


    The proposal raises some questions.  Some practical, some policy. 

    We will meet with Amelia and  she can do a little research for us.   


    James R. Lev AIA
    Architect, Capital Planning

    University of Illinois
    Planning Division, Facilities & Services
    1501 South Oak Street, 115B PPSB MC-800
    Champaign, Illinois 61820

    (217) 244-5095, fax (217) 244-5775

    From: Slater, Robert
    Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2013 2:00 PM
    To: Johnston, Morgan B; Schrader, Jeffrey M
    Cc: Neptune, Amelia; Lev, James R
    Subject: RE: FACILITIES NOTICE: Bicycle Thefts Across Campus - REMINDER

    Thanks Morgan.

    I was curious about how much these cost, so I checked with one of the companies that seems to be used by several other Universities and major public venues around the country (although there are two other companies that also seem popular I didn’t check with them for comparative quotes, since this was very preliminary research). I worked with Brittany Chavez ( from the American Bicycle Security Company and she provided the attached quote for a trial size set (25 units) which runs about $40,000 (including delivery) and, I’m spitballing here, but I’m guessing another $5,000-$10,000 in local labor to have them installed, so about $50,000 ($2,000/unit) complete.

    This include some local customization (orange/blue theme, i-mark on the front door).


    From: Johnston, Morgan B
    Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2013 1:52 PM
    To: Schrader, Jeffrey M; Slater, Robert
    Cc: Neptune, Amelia; Lev, James R
    Subject: RE: FACILITIES NOTICE: Bicycle Thefts Across Campus - REMINDER

    Hi Robert and Jeff,

    The appropriate approval for a bike locker would come from the Architecture Review Committee (ARC).  Jim Lev, copied here, is the chair of that committee.  I always start with them for proposed changes to the exterior campus space. 

    I’ve also copied Amelia Neptune here, as the Campus Bicycle Coordinator in my office.  She would be a good reference for understanding the preferences of cyclists around campus, if you would like that input.

    Please keep me informed about any decisions to put in bike lockers.  It is one of the items that we get asked about and I’d like to know if you do end up getting some installed.

    Thanks a ton,


    From: Schrader, Jeffrey M
    Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2013 1:10 PM
    To: Slater, Robert
    Cc: Johnston, Morgan B
    Subject: RE: FACILITIES NOTICE: Bicycle Thefts Across Campus - REMINDER

    Hi Robert,

    Morgan Johnston would be the Campus contact.  I will let her answer your questions.



    From: Slater, Robert
    Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2013 11:30 AM
    To: Schrader, Jeffrey M
    Subject: RE: FACILITIES NOTICE: Bicycle Thefts Across Campus - REMINDER

    Hey Jeff,

    I finally got a quote back from those bicycle locker companies. They run about $1500-$2000 a piece (unless you are ordering a ton, in which case the offer a per unit discount). What campus entity makes the decision on what bike racks are purchased and where they are installed? Does each college/unit decide for the area around their building? On their own or with the blessing of campus facilities?

    From: University of Illinois Library News [mailto:LIBNEWS-L@LISTSERV.ILLINOIS.EDU] On Behalf Of Schrader, Jeffrey M
    Sent: Wednesday, September 4, 2013 11:19 AM
    Subject: Re: FACILITIES NOTICE: Bicycle Thefts Across Campus - REMINDER

    The bicycle thefts across Campus continue.  Please review the Libnews message below sent in July 2013.

    Also, please remember bicycles are not allowed in Campus Buildings.

    Campus Policy

    Library Policy

    The Library policy is in the patron policy section under Use of Bicycle and Laptop Locks:

    Thank you

    Jeff Schrader

    From: Schrader, Jeffrey M
    Sent: Monday, July 22, 2013 10:20 AM
    Subject: FACILITIES NOTICE: Bicycle Thefts Across Campus


    Bicycle Thefts Across Campus

    There has been an increase in bicycle thefts in north and central campus areas over the past few months.  The four most recent have involved security cables being cut.  Individuals may wish to purchase locks that cannot be cut.

    Local retailers:

    Jeff Schrader