Illinois Business Consulting report - economic analysis
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The central question posed to Illinois Business Consulting (IBC) is as follows: what would be the economic impact of replacing 10% of the university’s coal intake with wood chips? After extensive research, analysis, and calculation it is the opinion of IBC that the cogeneration of energy with coal and wood chips is not economically feasible. The initiative has been deemed not economically feasible because wood chips are more expensive on the basis of energy content, transportation costs will increase due to biomass, and infrastructure modification expenses necessary for the operational changes are significant.
In 2012, F&S hired Illinois Business Consulting to evaluate the following question for Abbott Power Plant: "Can the overall carbon footprint be decreased by using 10% of biomass in place of 10% of coal?" The report and executive summary are attached here.
Abbott Power Plant was granted an IEPA permit to co-fire biomass with coal until June 30, 2013. F&S intends to do some test burns this spring with wood chips. Wood chips have a good track record in stoker boilers, and we are fairly confident we can demonstrate a successful trial. In addition, wood chips appear to be one of the most cost effective sources of biomass available at this time.