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Projects Updates for iCAP Working Group (iWG)

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  1. EGen006 Petascale Offsets recommendation - Transmittal

    Following the completion of iWG assessment, this recommendation was transmitted to the Vice Chancellor for Research (VCR).

    For future updates, please refer to PPA for National Petascale Computing Facility.

    See iWG assessment of EGen006 Petascale Offsets here.

    See SWATeam recommendation EGen006 Petascale Offsets here.

  2. Water001 BIF Greywater Meter recommendation - Transmittal

    Following the completion of iWG assessment of Water001 BIF Greywater Meter, the recommendation was transmitted to the Facilities & Services (F&S) department on July 12, 2017.

    See iWG assessment of Water001 BIF Greywater Meter here. 

    See SWATeam recommendation Water001 BIF Greywater Meter here.

  3. PWR009 Paper Policy recommendation - Transmittal

    Following the completion of the iWG assessment, the SWATeam recommendation PWR009 Paper Policy was forwarded to F&S for further processing. 

    For any future updates on this item, please visit the Recycled-Content Paper Policy in CAM project. 

    See iWG assessment of the recommendation PWR009 Paper Policy here.

    See SWATeam recommendation PWR009 Paper Policy here.

  4. ECONS005 Illini Lights Out Continuation recommendation - Transmittal

    Following the completion of iWG assessment, the SWATeam recommendation ECONS005 Illini Lights Out Continuation was transmitted to iSEE.

    For future updates, please refer to Illini Lights Out.

    See iWG assessment of ECONS005 Illini Lights Out Continuation here.

    See SWATeam recommendation ECONS005 Illini Lights Out Continuation here.

  5. ECONS005 Illini Lights Out Continuation recommendation - Assessment with all comments

    The iCAP Working Group (iWG) met on May 2nd, 2017 to discuss the ECONS005 Illini Lights Out Continuation recommendation and started the assessment of this recommendation. Their official comment was:

    "This is an important part of the iCAP and iSEE should take on long-term management and coordination of this program. Moving forward, data on total lights shut off should be collected and shared with building occupants and an educational component should be developed. Perhaps a competitive aspect for participation could be added as well."

    See the attached file for the complete assessment of this recommendation complete with official comments from all the iWG members.

    See SWATeam recommendation ECONS005 Illini Lights Out Continuation here.

  6. March 2017 Sustainability Council Recommendations Approved

  7. EGen003 PPA term recommendation - Successful

    Following the completion of the iWG Assessment, the EGen003 PPA Term recommendation was discussed at the Sustainability Council meeting in March 2017.  In June 2017, Provost Wilkins said, "On behalf of the Chancellor, I'm writing to convey approval of the recommendations. Please do begin encouraging action on the items mentioned. Thank you and the rest of the Council for the diligent and forward-looking thinking on these items."

    Regarding the EGen003 PPA Term, the next steps are "When the next RFP for a clean energy PPA is planned, seek campus / system approval to request pricing for both a 10 year agreement and a 20 year agreement, through Prairieland Energy, Inc."

    See Sustainability Council approvals here.

    See transmittal of EGen003 PPA Term here. 

    See iWG Assessment of EGen003 PPA Term here.

    See SWATeam recommendation EGen003 PPA Term here.

    For future updates on this topic, please see Power Purchase Agreements for Clean Energy

  8. PWR009 Paper Policy recommendation - Assessment with all comments

    The iCAP Working Group (iWG) met on May 2, 2017, to discuss and start the assessment of the SWATeam recommendation PWR009 Paper Policy. The iWG's official comment for this recommendation was:

    "We agree that the CAM policy should be updated. Information about the financial impact, including recycled paper purchasing options through F&S Campus Stores, should be provided more broadly."

    See attached the iWG assessment complete with official comments from all the iWG members.

    See SWATeam recommendation PWR009 Paper Policy here.

  9. PWR010 Ethics Video recommendation - Transmitted

    The iCAP Working Group (iWG) met on May 2, 2017, to discuss and start the assessment of the SWATeam recommendation PWR010 Ethics Video. The iWG's official comment for this recommendation was:

    "We concur.  It would be good to promote this video to faculty and staff, as well as the students.  The SWATeam also indicated that another video should be created, explaining the recycling process.  We recommend iSEE reach out to F&S about developing such a video."

    See attached the iWG assessment complete with official comments from all the iWG members.

    See SWATeam recommendation PWR010 Ethics Video here.
    The iWG assessment is attached.

  10. PWR010 Ethics Video recommendation - Submittal

    The PWR SWATeam submitted a recommendation to the iWG stating, "Publishing the Ethics Compliance Video concerning recycling including the paragraph summary.

    See attached the SWATeam recommendation PWR010 Ethics Video complete with comments from all the PWR SWATeam members.

  11. March 2017 Sustainability Council Recommendations & Next Steps

    Director of iSEE, Evan DeLucia, summarized three recommendations presented at the March 2017 Sustainability Council meeting: EGen005 Rooftop Solar Standard, EGen003 Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) Timeline, and ECons003 Conservation Budget, as well as the next steps, for Chancellor Jones’ approval.

    We followed up with the Sustainability Council on April 25, 2017, with the attached file.

    See Transmittal of EGen005 Rooftop Solar Standards here.

    See iWG Assessment for SWATeam recommendation EGen005 Rooftop Solar Standard here.

    See SWATeam recommendation EGen005 Rooftop Solar Standards here.

    See Transmittal of EGen003 PPA term to the Sustainability Council here.

    See iWG Assessment of EGen003 PPA Term here.

    See SWATeam recommendation EGen003 PPA Term here.

    See Transmittal of ECONS003 Conservation Budget to the Provost Office

    See iWG Assessment of ECONS003 Conservation Budget

    ee SWATeam Recommendation of ECONS003 Conservation Budget


  12. iWG meeting minutes March 28, 2017

  13. iWG meeting agenda March 28, 2017

  14. Green Labs Coordinator Recommendation - Assessment with all comments

    The iCAP Working Group (iWG) met on Dec 6, 2016. They supported the Green Labs Coordinator recommendation. The Assessment was completed with comments from all the iWG members on March 27, 2017. The iWG's official comment for this recommendation was:

    "The iCAP Working Group strongly supports the creation of a formal and campus-wide Green Labs program, led by a full-time coordinator and assisted by a team of student interns and a faculty advisory committee.  Many of our peer institutions have successfully implemented such programs.  Such a program is almost certain to lead to significant cost savings: for example, if the program led to the decommissioning of just 1% of our campus's 1700 fume hoods, the recurring energy savings would pay for a full-time position.  However, we anticipate that a much larger fraction (perhaps 10-20%) of hoods could be decommissioned, and there would be additional cost savings from behavior changes, freezer and refrigerator management, and other improvements.  The fiscal benefit to the campus as a whole, in addition to the sustainability benefit, is clear.  However, given current uncertainties about budgets and even budget models, it is not obvious which unit(s) stand to realize the cost savings over the long term.  We therefore suggest that this position be supported centrally, by the Office of the Provost, as a cross-cutting cost-saving strategy.  In terms of organizational placement, we suggest that the OVCR is the natural home for this program, because this office already oversees many programs related to the responsible conduct of research, including safety, compliance, and animal care.  As suggested by the SWATeam, this program could also receive communications/marketing support from iSEE staff."

    See attached the iWG assessment complete with official comments from all the iWG members.

    See SWATeam recommendation ECONS004 Green Labs Coordinator.

  15. South Campus Afforestation Recommendation - Assessment with comments

    The iCAP Working Group (iWG) met on Feb 16, 2017. They supported the South Campus Afforestation recommendation. Their official comments for this recommendation was:

    "The iCAP includes an objective to add 50 acres of trees on campus, and this SWATeam recommendation suggests one potential location. The iWG suggests the College of ACES work with the Campus Master Planning committee to identify appropriate locations for additional trees. Another option to consider is parallel to the Embarras River."

    See attached the iWG assessment complete with comments from all the iWG members.

    See ALUFS003 South Campus Afforestation Recommendation

  16. iWG Meeting Notes from Jan. 27, 2017

    The iCAP Working Group met and discussed the following agenda items.  Meeting notes are attached.

    1. Brief iCAP Portal overview by Morgan
    2. Discuss any updates to Water002, Cooling Tower Increase COC
    3. Discuss Trans008, Bike Parking in Ramps
    4. Discuss updates to Econs004, Green Labs Coordinator
    5. Consider issues with recommendation process and view recommendation tracker

    Attached Files: 
