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Projects Updates for ISTC Sustainability Seminars
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- Associated Project(s):
Sustainability Webinar: Large Summer Festival Going Zero Waste
Associated Project(s):James Carter - programming & operations manager with Ann Arbor Summer Festival (A2SF) - will discuss how they implemented a dramatic waste management transformation, created educational opportunities, and presented community-collaborative art programming. The operational goal? To become a zero waste event with 90% landfill diversion over three years.
April 9, 12–1 PM Elizabeth Meschewski • Illinois Sustainable Technology Center
Sustainability Webinar: Large Summer Festival Going Zero Waste
Zero Waste Webinar
Associated Project(s):Over the past two years the Ann Arbor Summer Festival has taken dramatic steps toward becoming a zero-waste event, focusing on social impact through community arts engagement. In this webinar, you will hear from James Carter, the festival's program and operations manager and co-founder of the Manhattan-based theater company terraNOVA Collective. Sponsored locally by the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC, a Division of the Prairie Research Institute).
Noon-1 p.m. | Thursday, April 9Sustainability Webinar: PFAS in Biosolids and Wastewater
Associated Project(s):Ned Beecher - special projects manager with the North East Biosolids and Residuals Association (NEBRA) - will discuss the fate of several representative contaminants of emerging concern (CEC) in biosolids and wastewater; summarize risk assessment and risk management strategies used to reduce potential concerns; and discusses PFAS as a family of CEC that is currently of high interest.
March 19, 12–1 PM Elizabeth Meschewski • Illinois Sustainable Technology Center This opportunity is available online.
Sustainability Webinar: PFAS in Biosolids and Wastewater
Reducing Carbon Footprint in Supply Chains
Associated Project(s):"I’ve Heard of Carbon Off-Setting - But What is Carbon In-Setting and How Can It Reduce the Carbon Footprint of My Supply Chain?" presented via webinar by Angela Foster-Rice, Principal at Aerial Consulting. Join us in the SJW conference room at ISTC or view it from the comfort of your own office. This event is free, but registration to view the webinar is required.
October 10, 12–1 pm • 1 Hazelwood Dr. in Champaign
Elizabeth Meschewski • Illinois Sustainable Technology Center
Sustainability Seminar: Reducing Carbon Footprint in Supply Chains
Fall Seminars List
Associated Project(s):