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Projects Updates for Net Zero Energy Building Grant

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  1. Potential To Make Geis College of Business Net Zero

    Associated Project(s): 

    I enjoyed connecting with everyone on this concept — the slide deck is attached. We look forward to advancing next steps and welcome the opportunity to support the University, F&S and Gies to achieve its iCAP goals.


    Potential To Make Geis College of Business Net Zero

    Scheduled: Dec 8, 2023 at 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM, CST

    Location: Microsoft Teams Meeting

    Invitees: Vespa, Arlene, Deaville, Candy, Hasselbring, Jonathan Ray, Campbell, Shelley Ann, Villanti, Joe, White, Morgan, Roman, Robert Raymond, Christopher S. Dillion, Cooperider, Kari, Reddington, Douglas William, Kerry Dickson






    Doug and I had an opportunity to debrief earlier today. We would like to get your read on next steps.

    • What do you think of presenting Gies with a conceptual outline on what it would look like if they anchored Solar Farm 3.0, sufficient to achieve either net zero carbon or net zero energy?  We can frame both options.
    • What do you suggest for next steps with regard to the ’solar capacity charge’?

    Let us know how we can support the University on both fronts. We’d love to help these conversations move forward.


    My goal would be to have something in place by the Wymer Hall dedication — January 2025. This would become a major part of the story.


    I really feel like this is attainable and I hope that others will follow. I think that they will. As always, thank you for considering our ideas.


    Thank you,

