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Projects Updates for Lighting Retrofits ICECF Grants

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  1. FY09 Lighting Retrofit grant from ICECF

    Associated Project(s): 

    In April 2009, ICECF granted the University funding in the amount of $822,174.00 toward conversion from T-12 ccompact flourescent light bulbs to T-8 bulbs throughout campus.  All work needed to be completed by March 31, 2011.  The initial reimbursement request was for $730,946.40 on May 31, 2011; however, this was subsequently reduced to $708,826.23.  This funding contributed to lighting retrofits in 30 campus buildings, with an associated energy reduction of 1,218,244 Watts.

  2. FY08 Lighting Retrofit grant from ICECF

    Associated Project(s): 

    In April 2008, ICECF granted the University funding in the amount of $1,182,270.00 toward conversion from T-12 ccompact flourescent light bulbs to T-8 bulbs throughout campus.  In November 2008, the grant was amended to allow for partial payments, rather than a single lump sum payment.  All work needed to be completed by April 30, 2010.  The final reimbursement request, submitted in June 2010, was for $1,182,280.  This funding contributed to 31 buildings getting lighting retrofits, with an associated energy reduction of 1,970,466 Watts.