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Projects Updates for Zero Waste Recommendations Summary

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  1. Zero Waste iCAP Team Meeting

    The Zero Waste iCAP Team met on Thursday, November 11 to review some data related to vending machine quantities and pouring operations, analyze the initiatives of some other universities, and begin discussing our campaign strategy. As some initial steps, the team devised some questions for a campuswide survey on drinking water behavior and discussed a recommendation to begin tracking drinking water filter stations on campus. Meeting minutes are attached.

  2. Zero Waste iCAP Team Meeting

    The Zero Waste iCAP Team met on Wednesday, November 3 to prioritize recommendations for this semester and plans for next semester. The team has decided to move forward with a drinking water campaign to recommend by the end of this semester, and the committee will break out into sub-teams for the upcoming semester based on several other working recommendations. Meeting minutes are attached.

  3. Zero Waste iCAP Team Meeting

    On Friday, October 22, the Zero Waste iCAP Team met to touch base on the status of last semester's submitted recommendations and potential recommendations that were proposed last semester. The team also held an ideation session to generate new recommendation ideas. Members will be filling out a form to identify their primary initiative interests before next meeting to serve as a starting point for the team's work. Meeting minutes attached.

  4. iWG Meeting Minutes 9-22-21

    Attached are the meeting minutes from 9-22-21. The agenda focused on iWG iCAP 2020 priorities, Council/Sub-council updates, ZW004 and LW002 next steps, an overview of campus sustainability month, and updates from the student groups. 

  5. Zero Waste iCAP Team First Meeting of FA21 Semester

    On Friday, October 1 the Zero Waste iCAP Team had their first meeting of the semester! The team discussed progress on last year's recommendations, zero waste initiatives from F&S, and the iCAP Objective Assessment for Zero Waste. Meeting minutes are attached.

  6. ZW003 GreenerOffice Delivery Service Enrollment - Transmitted

    Following the completion of iWG assessment for ZW003 GreenerOffice Delivery Service Enrollment, the recommendation was transmitted to Dr. Madhu Khanna at iSEE.

    See iWG assessment of ZW003 - GreenerOffice Delivery Service Enrollment attached.

    See iCAP Team Recommendation ZW003 - GreenerOffice Delivery Service Enrollment here.

  7. ZW002 Join NERC Government Recycling Demand Champions - Transmitted

    Following the completion of iWG assessment for ZW002 Join NERC Government Recycling Demand Champions, the recommendation was transmitted to Brad Henson and Aaron Finder at the UIUC Purchasing Office. 

    See iWG assessment of ZW002 - Join NERC Government Recycling Demand Champions attached.

    See iCAP Team Recommendation ZW002 - Join NERC Government Recycling Demand Champions here.

  8. iWG Meeting Minutes from 4-27-21

    The iWG met on April 27, 2021, and discussed the iCAP Team recommendations: ZW002 Join NERC Government Recycling Demand Champions, ZW003 GreenerOffice Delivery Service Enrollment, ZW004 Reusable Dining Containers Program, LW002 Vet Med Parking Re-Design, and LW003 Certified Green Building Certification. See meeting minutes attached. 

  9. ZW002 Join NERC Government Recycling Demand Champions - Submitted

    The Zero Waste iCAP Team made the following recommendation ZW002 Join Northeastern Recycling Council Government Recycling Demand Champions on 4/2/21: 

    University of Illinois to join the NERC Government Demand Champion Program.

  10. ZW001 Student Sustainability Ambassador Program - Successful

    Dr. Evan DeLucia, Director of iSEE, sent Meredith Moore the following email: 

    Good morning, Meredith

    I’ve had a chance to review the iWG recommendations and discuss them with iSEE leadership. Both recommendations, the Environmental Leadership Program and Student Sustainability Ambassadors are creative, will provide students with new opportunities to engage in sustainability learning, and will have a positive impact on our iCAP goals.

  11. ZW001 Student Sustainability Ambassador Program - Transmitted

    Following the completion of the iWG assessment for ZW001 Student Sustainability Ambassador Program, the recommendation was transmitted to Evan DeLucia, Director of iSEE, on June 9, 2020.

    See the iWG assessment ZW001 Student Sustainability Ambassador Program attached. 
    See the SWATeam recommendation ZW001 Student Sustainability Ambassador Program.


  12. PWR018 iBUY Catalog Modification - Transmitted

    Following the completion of iWG assessment for PWR018 iBUY Catalog Modification, the recommendation was transmitted to Gloria Keeley (Interim Assistant Vice President for Business and Finance). 

    See iWG assessment of PWR018 iBUY Catalog Modification attached.

    See SWATeam Recommendation PWR018 iBUY Catalog Modification here.

  13. PWR018 iBUY Catalog Modification - Successful

    The iWG met on 10/21/2019 and started the PWR018 iBUY Catalogue Modification assessment. The assessment was completed on 12/10/2019. Below is the official iWG recommendation which was sent to Gloria Keeley on 12/11/2019.

    "We support this recommendation and suggest Gloria Keeley work directly with Aaron Finder to implement.  Please keep the Zero Waste SWATeam informed of progress, and let iWG know if you have any major questions."

  14. PWR020 F&S Waste Report Endorsement - Successful

    Dr. Evan DeLucia, Director of iSEE, agreed to send a letter of support to F&S and to have iSEE help promote these efforts across campus.

    See the transmittal of PWR020 F&S Waste Report Endorsement Recommendation.

    See SWATeam Recommendation PWR020 F&S Waste Report Endorsement here.
