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Projects Updates for Zero Waste Recommendations Summary

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  1. ZW009 Project4Less Expansion - Transmitted

    On 6/24/2023, the ZW009 Project4Less Expansion recommendation was transmitted to Alma Sealine and Jason Ensign at University Housing with the following email. The iWG assessment is attached.

    Hi Alma and Jason,

    Thank you for meeting with iCAP representatives about the Project4Less recommendation from the Zero Waste iCAP Team (ZW009).  After our discussion, the iCAP Working Group discussed the topic again, and we have the following recommendation (highlighting added): 

    The iWG recommends that Housing keep and strengthen their relationship with Project4Less, even though there is a funding shortfall for Housing at large.  This project should remain a priority, and in fact they can talk with the student leaders about how best to use the remaining Student Sustainability Committee (SSC) funding of $1,700. There is also a possibility of future SSC funding for future expansion of the program, as needed in conjunction with the continued efforts to reduce food waste.

    We also recommend that Housing promote the various sustainability programs they are doing.  This should be done through links to the iCAP Portal and in the Housing newsletter.

    It would be great if you would identify a contact person we can work with to help promote all the great things that University Housing is doing for campus sustainability. The Formal iCAP Procedures includes a section on campus unit responsibilities upon receipt of a recommendation, and we respectfully request a reply to this recommendation by July 14, if possible. 


    Morgan and Jen



    Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP)

    iCAP Working Group co-chairs

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

    See the ZW009 Project4Less Expansion recommendation here.

  2. ZW011 State Farm Center Recycling - Transmitted

    On 6/6/2023, the ZW011 State Farm Center Recycling recommendation was transmitted to Mr. Josh Whitman and Mr. Tim Knox at the Division of Intercollegiate Athletics (DIA), with the following email. The iWG assessment is attached.

    Dear Mr. Whitman and Tim,

    The Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP) Working Group (iWG) recently reviewed recommendation ZW011 from the Zero Waste iCAP Team. The iWG recommends that the Division of Intercollegiate Athletics increase permanent recycling infrastructure on the upper concourse of the State Farm Center by purchasing and installing 3-stream bins that adhere to the campus standard. Additional details are provided in the attached recommendation and assessment.

    The Formal iCAP Procedures include a section on campus unit responsibilities upon receipt of a recommendation, and we respectfully request your response to this recommendation by June 30. If you have any questions regarding this recommendation, we are happy to meet to discuss it.


    Jennifer Fraterrigo



    Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP)

    iCAP Working Group co-chairs

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

    See the ZW011 State Farm Center Recycling recommendation here.

  3. iWG Meeting Notes from 05/09/2023

    Please see attached the iWG meeting notes from the meeting held on May 9, 2023. During this meeting, the following recommendations were dicussed:

  4. ZW011 State Farm Center Recycling - Submitted

    On May 5, 2023, Zero Waste iCAP Team submitted the ZW011 State Farm Center Recycling recommendation. Please see attached.

    Without appropriate recycling infrastructure on the upper concourse of State Farm Center, campus is losing valuable recyclable materials sent to the landfill (particularly with recyclable items left in the arena). Additionally, the installation of permanent recycling bins on the upper concourse would facilitate the ability for fans to recycle at any athletic or entertainment event held at State Farm Center.

    The purpose of this recommendation is to be a conversation-starter in regard to permanent recycling on the upper concourse. The proposed use of MAX-R bins is a suggestion, based on campus’ success with the roll-out of these bins throughout our facilities.

    Suggested unit/department to address implementation: Division of Intercollegiate Athletics

  5. ZW008 Adopt a Highway/Drain - Returned

    ZW008 Adopt a Highway/Drain was returned to the Zero Waste iCAP Team by the iWG. See the following message:

    Hello Zero Waste iCAP Team,

    Last spring, the Zero Waste iCAP Team submitted a recommendation regarding the adopt a highway/drain programs (  The iCAP Working Group discussed this a couple times and there were a few concerns raised by the iWG and by F&S, such as how we can ensure safety of a student group working on a street drain. You can see the related meeting notes attached here.  

    We are returning this recommendation to your team for review.  If you believe this recommendation is a priority, please discuss it with the Land and Water iCAP Team and the Resilience iCAP Team to refine it before resubmitting. 

    Thank you,

    Morgan and Jen



    Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP)

    iCAP Working Group co-chairs

    University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

    See the ZW008 Adopt a Highway/Drain recommendation here.

  6. ZW010 Tailgate Recycling - Successful

    Following is the response from DIA:


    The Division of Intercollegiate Athletics (DIA) approves the recommendation to work with Facilities and Services and the Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and the Environment to implement a recycling program at football tailgate events. Assistant Athletic Director Tim Knox will be responsible for coordinating the implementation for DIA.


    See the iWG assessment for ZW010 Tailgate Recycling here.

  7. ZW010 Tailgate Recycling - Transmitted

    On 4/19/2023, the ZW010 Tailgate Recycling recommendation was transmitted to Dr. Ehab Kamarah, the Associate Vice Chancellor and Executive Director of F&S, Josh Whitman and Timothy Knox, at the Division of Intercollegiate Athletics (DIA), with the following email. The iWG assessment is attached.

    Dear Dr. Kamarah, Mr. Whitman and Tim,

    The Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP) Working Group (iWG) recently approved recommendation ZW010 from the Zero Waste iCAP Team. The team recommends that Facilities and Services and the Division of Intercollegiate Athletics work with the Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and the Environment to implement a recycling program at tailgate events during the 2023 football season and beyond. The expectation is that doing so would increase the visibility of campus sustainability efforts and put UIUC on par with fellow Big Ten institutions that are integrating sustainability into athletics. Additional details are provided in the attached recommendation and assessment.

    The Formal iCAP Procedures include a section on campus unit responsibilities upon receipt of a recommendation, and we respectfully request your response to this recommendation by May 12, if possible. If you have any questions regarding this recommendation, we are happy to jump on a call with you to discuss it.


    Jennifer Fraterrigo



    Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP)

    iCAP Working Group co-chairs

    University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

    See the ZW010 Tailgate Recycling recommendation here.

  8. ZW004 Recommendation Update

    Beckman currently uses reusable trays, plates, and glasses in their cafe. They currently have a dishwasher onsite and will have a larger one in the new project (U22005 Beckman Café Renovation). They also have a stack of plastic and Styrofoam containers on the line as people move through the food ordering line, so improvements could be made here to nudge people towards the reusable options.

  9. ZW010 Tailgate Recycling - Submitted

    The Zero Waste iCAP Team submitted the attached ZW010 Tailgate Recycling recommendation to the iWG on 3/24/2023. The recommendation states:

    The Zero Waste Team recommends that Facilities & Services (F&S) and the Division of Intercollegiate Athletics (DIA) work with the Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment (iSEE) to implement a recycling program at tailgate events during the 2023 football season and beyond.

    The following would require F&S to provide blue bags, which Athletics will distribute to tailgate participants when they are checking in by car. These bags will contain paper instructions stapled onto each blue bag. The attached paper will convey what recyclable materials can be placed in the blue bag, and will include a map with locations of “collection hubs” (location at which a F&S recycling pan is placed) – at Lot 31 and Lot 32 – so tailgaters know where to bring their filled blue bags. In addition, F&S and iSEE will work together to solicit volunteer support for the tailgate events. Volunteers will be spread across the tailgating lots to distribute more blue bags as needed and offer educational support to fans as questions about trash and recycling arise.

    Following the end of the tailgating event, volunteers will assist with clean up (recyclables collection) from the Grange Grove field. The volunteers will work with DIA to ensure that F&S receives the recyclables from this clean-up session, prior to DIA’s sweep.

    Additionally, the Zero Waste Team requests 1-2 iSEE tents to establish a visible presence at each “collection hub.” It is recommended that 2 volunteers will be manning each tent, where they will be collecting filled blue bags from fans, handing out more blue bags, and incentivizing/rewarding participants with free merchandise (as available).

    F&S, iSEE, and DIA will communicate with Illini Union/the Bookstore regarding opportunities for partnership. Additionally, the F&S Zero Waste Coordinator (ZWC) will communicate with campus’ Coca-Cola Representative, Jake Slager, about allocating the mutual sustainability funds for tailgating merchandise. The ZWC will also work with the DIA marketing team to ensure that fans attending the game (season ticket and single ticket holders) are aware of the tailgate recycling activities happening, through their communications strategy.

    Following the football event, the Zero Waste Team recommends that DIA facilitate a survey opportunity for fans, with input regarding what questions are asked from F&S and iSEE. During the November 14th, 2022 inaugural Fighting Illini, Fighting Waste basketball event, DIA surveyed fans with the following questions:

    1. “Did you notice that this [basketball] game was a recycling-focused event?” YES / NO
    2. “Did you recycle your bottles and/or cans at the [basketball] game?” YES / NO
    3. “Do you support having more emphasis on recycling in future [basketball] games?” YES / NO

    It is recommended that a similar approach is taken for tailgate recycling. Allowing fans to voice their feedback is crucial for DIA, iSEE, and F&S to improve on fan experience for future events.

    After the football game, volunteers will work with DIA to sweep the stadium for leftover recyclables.

    Suggested unit/department to address implementation: Facilities & Services, the Division of Intercollegiate Athletics

  10. ZW009 Project4Less Expansion - Submitted

    The Zero Waste iCAP Team submitted the attached ZW009 Project4Less Expansion recommendation to the iWG on 12/7/22. The recommendations states as follows:

    We recommend that University Housing Dining Services works with Project 4 Less to divert wasted food to those in need. Project 4 Less packages pre-consumer food waste (untouched food) from LAR dining hall each week and Housing coordinates the food’s delivery to local food pantries, such as Wesley Food Pantry. Meals are then provided to community members experiencing food insecurity. Project 4 Less is currently only working out of LAR dining hall, and there is much more food to be recovered, such as from Ikenberry, ISR, and PAR dining halls.
    Similar to how Project 4 Less currently collaborates with Housing at LAR, we request that:
    ● Housing stores and sets up materials (cold carts, boxes) before packaging events
    ● Housing saves and stores the food that needs to be packaged
    ● Housing arranges the transportation logistics (perhaps stops could be added to existing routes)
    Ultimately, we recommend that Housing work with Project 4 Less to expand beyond LAR. Project 4 Less has the capacity to provide volunteers as part of a gradual expansion to other Dining Halls.

  11. PWR010 Ethics Video recommendation - Supplanted by PWR014

  12. ZW007 Composting Strategies - Successful

    iSEE Director, Madhu Khanna, responded in favor of the ZW007 Composting Strategies recommendation with the following message:


    Dear Morgan and Jen

    iSEE is very supportive of discussing composting program expansion opportunities and we appreciate the submittal of this recommendation. We have established and supported the implementation of several compost tumblers on campus and participate in a Sustainable Land Management Committee to work on identifying potential compost opportunities at South Farms. This committee is currently working on establishing an outlet for composting manure with the intent of expanding to include campuswide organic waste, excluding the waste from Dining Halls as they already divert their organic waste through Grind2Energy Systems.

    We have now had time to discuss the recommendation below in more detail. In the near term, we have initiated conversations to pilot a program between the Union and Urbana Landscape Recycling Center to assess demand and logistical details needed to support such a program. Many of the individuals included on the proposed committee membership list are included in these discussions, and progress will be continuously reported on the iCAP Portal. As you recommended, we are gathering these stakeholders to discuss composting.  Because it is a large and complex issue, we are taking a less structured approach than a formal committee. We will reassess the launch of such a group as we move forward with the Union pilot project. Thank you again for your dedication to campus waste diversion.

    Best wishes,


    See the iWG assessment and transmittal of ZW007 Composting Strategies here. 
    See the submittal of ZW007 Composting Strategies here.

    For future updates, please refer to the Large-Scale Food Waste Composting  project.

  13. ZW007 Composting Strategies - Transmitted

    Following review by the iCAP Working Group, the iWG recommends that the ZW007 Composting Strategies recommendation be transmitted to iSEE:

    "Because these discussions are at the beginning stages in various formats and topics, the iWG recommends that iSEE collaborate with the Zero Waste iCAP Team to plan and host a discussion/symposium/workshop in FY23 to share knowledge about composting programs, efforts, and strategies for campus and the community. A review of known solutions from other places and an assessment of anticipated costs for composting strategies should be included, and include presentations from experts on best practices."

    See the submittal of ZW007 Composting Strategies here.

    Attached Files: 
  14. ZW006 Water Filter System Tracking - Successful

    Dr. Ehab Kamarah, interim Executive Director of F&S, responded to Dr. Jennifer Fraterrigo, iSEE Associate Director of Campus Sustainability on 5/8/22:

    "Our staff will gather the information F&S has available and share it with the Zero Waste iCAP Team.  This will include the water filters that are regularly maintained on campus in state supported buildings. We do not have a lot of information about the bottle fillers without filters, so we will provide what we have. We will also have the Building Services team initiate an inventory of water fountains and filling stations throughout campus."

    See transmittal and iWG assessment of ZW006 Water Filter System Tracking here. 
    See submittal of ZW006 Water Filter System Tracking recommendation here. 

  15. ZW005 Water Bottle Survey - Successful

    Dr. Madhu Khanna, interim Director of iSEE, responded to the ZW005 Water Bottle Survey recommendation with the following message:

    "Thanks to the IWG and ICAP Zero Waste Team for their recommendation. It will be very informative to conduct a survey on campus bottled water use and assess areas where we can make a difference by providing water filler stations and other strategies for changing behavior. iSEE will be happy to support this effort and work with you all in developing the survey instrument, analyzing and disseminating the findings."

    For future updates related to the Water Bottle Survey, see the "Water Bottle Survey" project page here

    See transmittal and iWG assessment of ZW005 Water Bottle Survey here. 
    See submittal of ZW005 Water Bottle Survey recommendation here. 

  16. Zero Waste iCAP Team Meeting

    The Zero Waste iCAP Team met for their final meeting of the semester on Thursday, April 28. The team finalized drafting a recommendation on updating the Campus Administrative Manual's Waste Minimization Policy and set potential objectives for the upcoming academic year. Meeting minutes are attached.

    Attached Files: 
