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Projects Updates for Education iCAP Team Recommendations Summary

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  1. Edu009 - Updating College of Business Course Descriptions - Approved

    The Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP) Working Group (iWG) recently approved recommendation Edu009 from the Education iCAP Team to update College of Business course descriptions to reflect the sustainability content.

    This recommendation aligns with Objective 6.2 of the iCAP 2020: Establish a comprehensive online repository for courses and academic programs with sustainability content. 

    The College of Business shared their action plan on completing the approved recommendation (attached).

  2. Edu009 - Updating College of Business Course Descriptions - Successful

    On 4/1/2024, Dean of Gies College of Business, Jeff Brown, responded in favor of the Edu009 - Updating College of Business Course Descriptions recommendation with the following message:


    Please see the attached spreadsheet with the information requested by iCAP.  Thanks for the extra few days to pull all this together. And special thanks to Amanda Brantner in Gies who did all the heavy lifting.



  3. Edu009 - Updating College of Business Course Descriptions - Transmitted

    On 3/16/2024, the Edu009 Updating College of Business Course Descriptions was transmitted to Dean Jeff Brown at Gies College of email with the following email. The iWG assessment is attached.


    Dear Dean Brown,


  4. Education008 Accounting for Sustainability in Study Abroad - Successful

    Following is the response from the department:

    Dr. Fraterrigo and Ms. White,

    Thank you for sharing the recommendation from the Education iCAP Team regarding the incorporation of sustainability learning in study abroad programs campus-wide.  We will share the recommendation with the IACSC and plan for a fuller discussion with that group at our May meeting. As soon as the May meeting is scheduled, we’ll confirm a timeline for a formal response.

  5. Education iCAP Team May Meeting

    Education iCAP Team had its final meeting of the 2022-2023 academic year on Tuesday, April 25th, at 4 PM. The team further discussed initial thoughts on implementation of sustainability to Business College recommendation idea, sustainability workshop recommendation idea, and next steps for sustainability internship coordinator recommendation draft. The meeting recording can be found here

  6. Education iCAP Team April Meeting

    Education iCAP Team had its virtual April meeting on Monday, April 3rd, at 4 PM. Anna Mehl gave updates on Sustainability Economic Analysis project and talked about possible next steps. Afterward, the team discussed sustainability workshop recommendation idea, brainstorming aspects of a potential sustainability workshop/training for incoming students. Meeting minutes are attached. 

  7. Education008 Accounting for Sustainability in Study Abroad - Transmitted

    On 4/10/2023, the Education008 Accounting for Sustainability in Study Abroad recommendation was transmitted to Kristi Kuntz and Luis Canales, at the Provost Office, with the following email. The iWG assessment is attached.

    Dear Ms. Kuntz and Dr. Canales,

  8. Education iCAP Team February Meeting

    The education iCAP Team met for its February meeting on Monday, February 6th, at 4 PM. The team had Resilience iCAPTeam chair Stacy Gloss as a guest. Stacy presented the Sustainability Economic Analysis Recommendation of the Resilience iCAP Team, and the team discussed some revisions and educational support ideas for the recommendation. Afterward, the team discussed incorporating sustainability into 100-level courses.

    Meeting minutes are attached. 

  9. Education iCAP Team January Meeting

    Education iCAP Team had its first virtual meeting of the semester on Friday, January 20th, at 3 PM. The team has a new student member: Sydney Wei. Eric Green gave updates on his meeting with the BUS 101 course instructor Aimee Barbeau about implementing sustainability in Business classes. Afterward, after briefly explaining the iWG approved Sustainability in Study Abroad Recommendation to Sydney, the team discussed its goals and recommendation ideas for Spring 2023. 

    For this semester, the new chair of the team will be Eric Green and the vice chair will be Sydney Wei. 

  10. Education iCAP Team December Meeting

    Education iCAP Team had its final monthly online meeting of the semester on Monday, December 5th, at 5 PM. The team had two guests from GIES College of Business: Gopesh Anand and Sharon Shavitt. The team discussed potential ways to improve sustainability education at the College of Business with the guests. Afterward, the team further discussed the Sustainability in Study Abroad Recommendation draft, which is ready to be submitted to iWG. Finally, the team chair, Jessica Nicholson, gave updates on the Sustainability Gen-Ed project. The meeting minutes are attached. 

  11. Education iCAP Team November Meeting

    The Education iCAP Team had its online November meeting on Monday, November 7th, from 5:00 - 6:00 PM. The team worked on drafting a new Sustainability in Study Abroad recommendation. The team will continue to revise the recommendation and have it ready for iWG to review at their December meeting. Meeting minutes are attached. 

  12. Education iCAP Team October 2022 Meeting

    Education iCAP Team had its online October meeting on Monday, October 10th, from 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM. The team worked on the Campus Sustainability Celebration slides, discussed a potential action idea on listing courses that focus on other aspects of sustainability than environment, and talked about inviting people from various departments to discuss Sustainability in Study Abroad Recommendation. Meeting minutes are attached. 


  13. Edu007 Big Ten Career Fair - Transmitted

    Following the completion of the iWG assessment of Edu007 Big Ten Career Fair, the recommendation and assessment were transmitted to Jim Hintz, Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Success, Inclusion, and Belonging.

    The iWG assessment is attached. 
    See the submission and recommendation of Edu007 Big Ten Career Fair. 

  14. Education Team Returned Recommendation Meeting Notes

    The Education iCAP team had a virtual meeting from 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM on Friday, September 23rd, to talk about two returned recommendations.

    EDU_006 Sustainability in Study Abroad Recommendation: The Education team decided to move on with this recommendation by broadening it on implementing sustainability across all study abroad curriculum. The team will discuss this further at its upcoming October meeting on 10/03 and draft a new recommendation that will build off the original one. 

  15. Edu006 Sustainability in Study Abroad - Returned

    Following discussion at the iCAP Working Group on 9/9/22, the Edu006 - Sustainability in Study Abroad recommendation was returned to the team for clarification. See the iWG assessment attached with the specific questions posed to the Education team by the iWG. 

    See the original submission of Edu006 recommendation here. 

  16. Education iCAP Team September 2022 Meeting

    The Education iCAP team had a hybrid meeting from 5:00 P.M. - 6:00 PM on Monday, August 29th. The team reviewed the Education iCAP objectives, shared project updates, and brainstormed new action ideas for this semester. Meeting minutes are attached.

  17. Edu007 Big10 Green Career Fair - Submitted

    The Education iCAP Team submitted a recommendation "Big10 Green Career Fair" on 5/31/22. The recommendation states in summary:

    "The Education iCAP Team recommends that the Career Center establish a Big Ten Green Career Fair. This will be modeled after the All-Ivy Environmental and Sustainable Development Career Fair."

    The recommendation is attached. 
