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Projects Updates for Creating Adaptable Autonomous Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings

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  1. update from Nidia

    • Received approval for SSC funding - got the letter and sent it back to SSC, signed. 
    • Nora requested the CFOP from OBFS
    • Nidia wants to talk with Paul about it - 
      • funding for technical engineering for F&S
      • Nidia's appointment
      • $75k for purchasing and installing the submetering
    • Morgan emailed Rob Roman to request a meeting about how to move forward in the best path.
  2. Summer internship funded by F&S

    Facilities & Services (F&S) is funding a 50% Research Assistantship (RA) for Civil and Environmental Engineering graduate student, Nidia Bucarelli.  Nidia is working under the guidance of Professor Nora El-Gohary, and reporting to Morgan White at F&S Sustainability for the summer RA position.